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"Happy New Years everyone! The Director was too busy (lazy) to assign us to make a special New Years Day picture, so Bethany and I went digging through our old photo album to see if there would be anything appropriate! And look at what we found!

This was me back when I was seven years old! Don't I look super cute back then?? Gosh, it was so long ago that I don't even remember anything from when I was that young! Bethany tells me that she wanted to dress me up as Baby New Year, but all she had was the sash. I asked why I wasn't wearing a diaper either, and she said that she tried to put one on me but I kept taking it off!

What I do remember though is that Bethany made me ring in the new year in her own special way... She put her face between my legs and sucked and licked on my little seven year old clit and made me orgasm *right* at the stroke of midnight! Best New Year Celebration ever!" -Alice






Hehe, that does sound like something Bethany would do. She's such an amazing big sister, isn't she? 🥰 Happy New Year to everyone at the Facility! Stay happy, stay healthy and stay super horny! 🥳


Too bad she didn't sneak a picture before you took the diaper off, I bet you looked even cuter!


Oh Alice you were so adorable at 7! Adorable you kept taking the diaper off, you must naturally love showing off that loli pussy! What an amazing big sister to give your young pussy an orgasm to start off the new year! I hope you're able to find some more older family photos :)


"Aww hehe but if the diaper is on, then you won't be able to see my cute little pussy! <blush> Plus then Bethany wouldn't be able to lick me down there...I mean, that's why I took it off... 😉" -Alice


"Of course I kept taking the diaper off! I mean...how'm I supposed to orgasm if I have a diaper in the way!? Hehe and I'll take a look to see if there's any other older pictures, I know Bethany and I started our sex games super young..." -Alice




Aww, OMG How did I miss this one, that's extra adorbs <3. Belated best wishes, I do hope the year is shaping up well for everyone - it did seem quite positive and promising so far. ;)