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"Hehe...I love this moment right before I stick my strapon inside Alice. She just looks so...innocent, you know? Especially in this cute little angel costume. (Although...why are we still doing a Halloween series...in December?) I really like how the strapon matches my outfit though...and my hair!

Anyways...she's not gonna be an innocent little angel anymore...not after I stick this inside her. I know most subscribers here don't like the dominant lolis like Kaori and I, but if we weren't around...who would dominate the subs like Alice and Felicity? 😉" -Erin


"Why are we continuing this Halloween series even though it's mid-December? Because I'm bad at schedule management, that's why. Now get back to work Erin." -The Director




Fortunately for me I love domiant lolis just as much, if not more than submissive lolis. So this is perfect for me, a hot domiant loli, mistress Erin 😉, and an innocent subby, cute Alice 😊


For what it's worth, I think you are one of the most important assets of The Facility, Erin. Things really wouldn't be the same without your radiant beauty and your fiery personality. In a way, the fact that most subscribers don't like dominant lolis is a good thing, because it means less competition for your attention. Not that I will fight any less hard for it. You are my Irish Goddess, Erin, and as such, I swear to devote my body and soul to fulfilling your every desire. I just hope that one day, you will reward me for my devotion and treat me the same way you are treating Alice right now, so that I too can experience the pure ecstasy of being touched by your love.


"Hehe...thanks Arty! I know the Doctor is your favorite, but she's been teaching me a lot in the art of domination! Hopefully some day I can have my turn with Idu... 😈" -Erin


"Ooooh...hehe you're my favorite Xilda. Just the right amount of devotion and flattery! After I drive the Director to early retirement, I'll bring you in to be my first sex slave! Hmm...I think I'll put you in charge of foot worship, does that sound good? Haha just kidding! I don't care if it sounds good to you or not. I'm gonna make you do it anyways. 😘" -Erin


With what Alice is about to experience, the Halloween angle is not a concern. Art (especially when well-lubricated) is timeless. Hang on, Alice... :D


I… um… wow. I am speechless, what an honour! Thank you, my queen! You won't regret it! 😃


"Exactly! As long as the viewer is kept horny and happy, that's all that matters! Alice and I are professional sex goddesses and will always do what's hottest for the viewers! 😉" -Erin