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"With the holidays approaching, it is important to remember to take care of oneself. As a Doctor I have seen many cases of stress getting the better of many people, but this can easily be remedied or even avoided with a proper sexual regimen before bedtime.

For example, I instruct my daughter Kaori to engage in cunnilingus for at least an hour before I shower and retire to my bedroom. It is important to have her lick me prior to my bathing because the vibrator that has been inside me throughout the day has produced a copious amount of fluid from my Bartholins glands. I want her to become addicted to female vaginal secretions. By having our sex slave penetrate her while she consumes my secretions she is associating sexual pleasure with the taste of my vagina. After years of training like this, she will soon be able to orgasm just from licking a female's vagina." -Dr. Yamanako






That is an amazing way to get ready fit bed, Mistress! I shouldn't be suprised by your genious mind but it keeps happening over and over again.... ...and you do you look really sexy in those stockings...may I offer to help you too in your bedtime regime? I would be honored to take *very* good care of those beautiful feet of yours, Mistress


You look as stunning as ever, Dr. Yamanako. I am delighted that you have generously decided to grace us with a glance in our direction, as it gives me a wonderful opportunity to admire and praise your beautiful eyes. I must say, even though it has been less than a month since your last appearance, I have sorely missed you. Your bedtime rituals are as enlightening as they are a pleasure to observe. And please send my regards to Kaori. Truth be told, I am worried that her little… forced escapade with Brutus might have negatively impacted her opinion of me. Should that be the case, I would like to offer my apologies to her and to you as her mother. But please be assured that I want nothing but the best for your daughter, as well as for all other residents of The Facility.


"I applaud your taste Mr. Xilda, as well as your concern for my daughter. I am beautiful and I am pleased that you have noticed. It has been a while since I have made an appearance in FanBox, but I have been busy disciplining my nurse Bethany. Regarding Kaori, she can often be impudent and belligerent and needs to be put in her place. Your..."forced escapade", as you put it, would serve her well in reminding her of her subservient duties towards the male sex. You have nothing to apologize for." -Dr. Yamanako


"Hmm...I have been reprimanded by the Director for my bluntness. I apologize for any undue stress it might have caused you. In penitence, I will allow you to assist in my bedtime...festivities. Perhaps Idu can take the place of the sex slave?" -Dr. Yamanako


There's nothing to apologize for, my english is indeed lacking. I try my best to write in proper english but self taught skills only gets you so far. I appreciate your offer and gladly accept it.