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Santa: "Ho ho ho! What a cute little girl you are! You must be very excited to see Santa!"

Felicity: "Yes of course Santa! My name is Felicity! I've been waiting alllll year for Christmas! It's my favorite holiday!"

Santa: "Erm...yes, well lots of little boys and girls love it when I bring them gifts! But only if they've been good children all year! Now tell me little Felicity, have you been good this year?"

Felicity: "Oh of course Santa! I've cleaned my room every day and brushed my teeth after every meal!"

Santa: "Ho ho...ho....erm...yes...well that's good! Uh what would you like this Christmas my dear?"

Felicity: "Oh! I'd reallie like a new bike! And a headphones to listen to my music with! Oooh!!! And I'd *love* to meet your reindeer! Especially Blitzen!"

Santa: "Oh? Well the reindeer would love to meet you too little one! Perhaps you can even feed them a carrot!"

Felicity: "Ooooh yay! I can brush their hair too!"

Santa: "Ho ho ho they love that!"

Felicity: "And help them put on their sleigh harnesses!"

Santa: "You'd be such a good worker!"

Felicity: "And suck their cocks until they cum all over my face!

Santa: "Well li-wait what?"






Aww you're such a cutie, Felicity! In exchange of getting presents you give them an even better present back...your soft lips tighly wrapped around their cocks 😉


An adorable outfit for the cutest little girl, I love it! Hehe, I don't know if Santa usually gets presents for Christmas, but he certainly got one early this year! Once you're done with Blitzen, why don't you come sit on my lap too, Felicity? I have just the perfect gift for you 😘 And I'm glad to see that you have your priorities straight! Why ask for a stuffed animal when you can have a real animal with a juicy cock to suck dry? You're such a good girl, I love you so much 🥰


Felicity great job showing Santa what a good little girl you are by offering up your mouth to the reindeer!


"Awww are you going to be my Santa this year Mr. Xilda?? Hehe well will you let me sit on your lap, even if I'm covered in Blitzen's semen? I might be all super sticky and stuff! <giggle> I know! Maybe you can lick it all off me! And then afterwards I'll give you my own special Christmas present, hmm? And I'll even show you what's under my cute little Christmas outfit! Here's a hint: It rhymes with the word "pussy"! 😉" -Felicity


"<blush> Well Mr. Horndog, I'm going to be offering him a lot more than just my mouth you know..😊" -Felicity