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"Uhm...the Director asked me to try describing what it was like to be raped by tentacles? Well......they're very....slimy? They have lots of little pores along their flesh and they constantly excrete some sort of aphrodesiac into the air. Hehe I'd like to think that that's why I'm so horny in the picture but really...I kinda like being tied up like this? And being penetrated in every hole?

What does it feel like? Hmm...when I had sex with Trigger I kissed him a lot and horse's tongues are really long and slimy. I think that's what these tentacles feel like...like there's three different hot wet tongues all penetrating me at the same time. Hehe they're different than penises too, since these can move a lot more than penises can! They wiggle and squirm a lot inside me and instead of only squirting out cum at the end, with tentacles it's like a constant ejaculation! That's why there's so much oozing out of my pussy! They're reallie rough though......but I kinda like that too? 😉" -Felicity






You naughty, naughty girl...getting horny from that 😏 I just noticed a hourglass-looking thing. I wonder what happens when it runs out🤔


Mmmmh, you look so sexy when you're restrained, Felicity. I mean don't get me wrong, you always look beautiful. But this position is so… inviting. With your legs spread out, exposing your delicate pussy… No wonder those tentacles want to breed you so badly, you're simply the perfect candidate! Well, except for the fact that you're probably too young to get pregnant. Although… they are magical creatures, so maybe their cum can impregnate you anyway? Hmm, you may end up giving birth to a baby Cthulhu in the near future…


"<giggle> Oh...when the time runs out the tentacles lose their power and they have to retreat back from where they came from. So I just turn it over and reset it. 😉" -Felicity


"Awww thanks Xilda! I don't mind being restrained just for you! 😉 Hehe I think I'm too young to be a mommy! But I don't mind things practicing their impregnation skills on me! Hmm...but who knows, maybe if I do make a little monster baby then it'll be another fun thing to have sex with!" -Felicity