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It's time again for the biannual "Pulse of the FanBox"!

Whenever anyone joins, I send them a quick message to thank them for joining and to ask them what they like. But apparently you guys are the shy type, because I'm only getting a 4% response rate. (Why doesn't anyone respond? I don't bite!) So we did this back in March and I'd like to do it again just to see what you guys like and to make sure I'm putting out material that you all enjoy!

So please vote below on what kinks you enjoy and would like to see more of! "Like" the comment to vote on it, and vote for as many as you'd like!

Note: Bestiality and loli are not there b/c it's an entire tier and I know everyone in that tier enjoys it!

2nd Note: Also, please do not add any additional comments! Just vote please! Any comments will be deleted!
