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The Director: "Wha...why are you dressed like that? It's not Halloween."

Bethany: "No. After reading about how we're donating to help impoverished children, we've decided that we want to help out too."

Kaori: "Yeah. We wanna go fight crime."

The Director: "That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard."

Kaori: "You're the dumbest idea I've ever heard!"

Bethany: "We think that we can really do a lot of good for the city and help clean it up. You don't even have us in any series right now so we don't have anything to do. Let us go do this. Please?"

The Director: "Absolutely not. You know what happened last time I let someone go into town on their own? They seduced an Egyptian Sex God at the museum and made him come to life. Now he's running wild downtown, fucking anything with a hole! My mother is visiting me this week. I HAD TO EXPLAIN TO HER WHY ALL THE DONUT AND BAGEL STORES IN THE CITY WERE CLOSED!"

Kaori: "But that was Erin and Felicity! Felicity is a total troublemaker! She always acts all innocent and stuff and then all the sudden it's like, "Oh wHoOpS ThErE'S A hOrSe DiCk iN My bUtT!" pfft....whatever."

The Director: "No, you're a total troublemaker! And why do you need to be dressed like that? We don't have unlimited latex suits you know! We don't have a latex suit tree growing outside that we pick these off of!"

Bethany: "Well, if we were going to fight crime, we wanted to be superheros!"

Kaori: "Yeah! We even have super cool names! I'm "Chat Blanc" and Bethany's "Chat Noir". Cool huh?"

The Director: "That's not even original. That's just "white cat" and "black cat" in French."

Bethany: "You said he didn't know French!"

Kaori: "Well I just assumed that he was stupid!"

The Director: "Hey. HEY. Assholes. I'm right here. I can hear both of you."

Bethany: "I'm not an asshole..."

The Director: "ohmyfuckinggod. You're just like your sister. You know what, I don't care. Go do whatever you want. I know all that's gonna end up happening is you find some wierdo to have sex with. Now leave because I can't figure out a smooth way to end this narration and it's getting too long and the subscribers are probably wondering what the fuck is going on."






"Oh wHoOpS ThErE'S A hOrSe DiCk iN My bUtT!" pfft....whatever." 😂😂😂 Bloody hell, I never laughed that hard at a narrative 🤣 Ps: guess who's gonna be a criminal now 😏


Yea that was a bit confusing. Crime fighters huh... ? I'd probably start with contributing factors of crime. Poverty, people that are less fortunate is one of many factors. Young men especially suffer from high testerone and sex drive. Without relief they will get incredibly backed up. It's a recipe for disaster. Older men suffer from low T and ED. Without adequate treatment, staying hard can be an issue. You girls are experts in that field.


I see Anubis isn't done with his fucking spree yet. Speaking of, I'm still waiting for the sex slaves he was supposed to send me. What's up with that? Anyhoo, I think fighting crime is a great idea! And you girls picked the perfect outfits for the job! The criminals will be so distracted by the sheer hotness of two little girls in latex that they won't know what hit 'em! Plus it'll look great in the news. I can already see the headlines: "Latex-clad catgirls save the day! Criminals raped into submission!"


"We'll hunt you down where ever you are and assert our own brand of justice... 😉" -Kaori


<giggle> "Well, luckily we're prepared to deal with the most *hardened* criminals! But luckily you subscribers will be able to help us pick what criminals we go after!" -Bethany


<blush> "I know right?? All the usual latex superhero outfits always have the crotches and breast areas covered! How boring is that?? I think that with one look at us, they'll fall head over heels in love with us!" -Bethany