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Director: "Come in Alice. Or Felicity."

Alice: "How did you know it was us?"

Director: "Because you two are the only ones that knock around here. What is it?"

Alice: "Erm...yeah. Okie. Um. Can we borrow one of the horses? Felicity and I were watching the Equestrian events at the Olympics and we totally think that we can make the Equestrian team at the next Olympics."

Director: "The horses we have...aren't really for performance. Well I mean, they are for performance, but not *that* kind of performance... Plus aren't you supposed to be interviewing that dog? Why are you in here? And Felicity aren't you supposed to be at the petting zoo?"

Felicity: "We took a break because we wanted to start training now! And we can totally do it! We were watching and all they did was ride the horse around that weird field! We have to start training now if we're gonna make the Olympic team!"

Director: "Felicity. Last time I let you off on your own with Erin, three hours later there was a sex god running rampant downtown and poor Bethany had to have sex with the museum director just to calm him down!"

Alice: "She's totally sorry about that! And we'll be super good this time! She promises, and I'll totally take care of her! Plus we have super cute outfits already picked out!"

Director: "Fine. But NO SEX with the HORSE!"

Alice & Felicity: "awwww....."

Director: "ugh....fine. Just don't tell Erin or Kaori!"




May I introduce to you this new invention... Stallion Chastity Cages! For when your girls are just a little bit too hands on with them~


Aww, look at you in your cute riding outfits! So serious and professional, yet incredibly adorable! You two are really determined to make the team, aren't you? Well, with your resolve and your... natural talent with animals, I have no doubt that you will make it with no trouble! And when you do, I'll be sure to book my ticket so that I can come cheer for you in person 😊


"Awww thanks Xilda! We love our outfits! <giggle> And yes, Felicity and I will 100% be future Olympians! After all, I won a whole bunch of awards in sex competitions, did you see my award wall in the other picture? Oooh and if you come watch us at the future Olympics, you can even share a hotel room with us to save money!" -Alice


Very cute. I hope they help each other with training the horse. Making the team is a lot of work.


After a month being the plaything of the studs, Loki says the stallions would not satisfy him. Must have some very well hung studs O,o


"Exactly! Training together and forming threesomes are very important in sports!" -Felicity <giggle> "Felicity you dummy, they're called *teams*!" -Alice