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"Awww....poor Dumbo! He's out here in the heat all day and he's even the only elephant here! He doesn't even have a girl elephant to play with! I bet he's lonely, poor thing! Hmm...maybe I should help him out a little bit? He's not as big as Sparkles, but it still looks kinda fun to play with... and he has sooo much precum! But that's okie! Playing with penises and making them nice and hard is my specialty!

He's so backed up though...I wonder if he's ever even had sex before? Maybe I'll just have to change that! Hmm...I should find a nice quiet place to take care of him, not right in the middle of the petting zoo... but after being inside at The Facility all day it's kinda nice playing outside like this! Plus... I kinda like having all the other visitors at the zoo staring at me. Gosh, I'm turning into Alice...it's like she can't even have sex unless she knows someone's watching her!" -Felicity






My god, she looks even more adorable than usual! I'm in love with those eyes, they're so beautiful and hypnotising 🥰


Oh, he's a virgin? You are the perfect girl to change that with your cuteness and gentleness! Make his first time an experience he will always remember 😉


I don't know if I'd choose a quite place. People come to the zoo to see nature. Why not show them an elephant's first time and with a beautiful girl? I'm still wondering how this plays out, but I'm sure he's backed up beyond belief. Be careful Felicity.


<blushes brightly> "Awwww Xilda you're such a sweetie! Hehe I can't wait to show them what Alice and I are doing in the next series too!!!" -Felicity


<giggle> "Of course! When I make love to something I am nothing but kind and gentle! Unlike those big weirdos Kaori and Erin, all latex and whips and yelling all the time...I'm just soft squeezy hugs and Eskimo kisses!" -Felicity


"Awwww Rabbit you think I'm beautiful? Hehe you're so sweet! But don't you worry, if I could handle Sparkles the unicorn on my first day at The Facility, I'm pretty sure I can handle this cutie little elephant! And you're right! I think right here in public is an excellent place for Dumbo to lose his virginity!" -Felicity


Whatch out though...people like Kaori and Erin tend to enjoy teasing cute girls like you 😉


Ah, if I'd known the petting zoo meant *that* kind of petting, I'd have come ages ago! I wonder just how big he'll get... <3


<giggle> "Maybe you're just not going to the right kind of petting zoo! Next time you'll have to let *me* take you! And nice new avatar!" -Felicity


Haha, Alice is also eagerly waiting to share your latest adventures with the others! I take it that you liked my little gift, then?