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"Hi everyone!!!!! Did you know that my FanBox was created exactly one year ago today?? I can't believe it! I told myself that I was going to abandon it if no one subscribed within the first week, but I got ten subscribers in the first day! And some of them are still subscribed!!! And now, 312 posts later, we've been doing nothing but growing! I'm super excited that we've been able to keep going and that I've been able to meet and play with all you great people, especially the ones that interact with me and the others in the comment replies!

This FanBox has changed a lot ever since it started and I made my very first post (wow I didn't even write a caption at all back then...boy I was LAZY....). There was no Facility, no Director, not even Kaori or any of the other girls! It's so much fun to grow and show you guys all the sexy adventures we have over the past year! (Hmm...come to think of it, I haven't aged at all since then. Maybe I should ask the Director about that...)

Anyways, I just wanted to make this post, partially to celebrate our big milestone...but MOSTLY because I wanted to give all you a big hug and kiss to THANK YOU for supporting me, whether it be for one month, one year, or commissioning customs! None of this would have been possible without you! In fact, I even climbed on top of you and let you take a pic of me while I'm riding you cowgirl! You can even see all the awards I've won..." 😘

Love always, your Alice!






I've been only a fan for two months but I've already come to love the facility and everyone in it. The way the facility is build up and how everything is logically connected really makes me feel attached to it. I want to see and learn more about it and the characters in it. Keep up the great work! 😘


awww! Congratulations!! Starting new things is usually terrifying - well done powering through that like a boss, and much hugs and love back! <3


Congrats! You were the first artist I supported on fanbox and my favorite. I got lucky I guess. I did unsub temporarily for personal reasons, but I'm happy to be back. The active story format with feedback from supporters is really fun. The commissions have been great as well. Those are some well deserved awards Alice. Thank you for the warm offer. I accept. But please don't tease me like Erin. - Rabbit


Happy first anniversary! Ever since I subscribed to your Fanbox three months ago, I've been loving my time here. Your work is both super cute and incredibly hot, to the point that I'm always eagerly waiting for the next post! And I'm not just taking about the pictures; the stories are also part of what makes the charm of your work. I love that the characters have their own personality, their own lives, their own preferences... It makes the Facility feel more organic and alive. And I know I've said it before, so please excuse me for repeating myself, but I absolutely love how interactive this whole thing is. How the characters reply to the fans, it's something I haven't really seen anywhere else and it's really setting you apart. I just hope it's not getting too overwhelming! My only regret is that I couldn't have been there since the beginning, but now that I am here, I am here to stay! Hope you don't mind ^^ So anyway, congratulations, and here's to another successful year!


it was year already??


"Yes!!! And you were one of the first few ones! You joined a week or so after we opened!!" -Alice


"Awww thanks Xilda! And I have to say "Thank You" to you too, since some of your commissions have made this place what it is today! <giggle> Not to mention the one with Felicity and I... I can't wait for the dumb Director to let us finish the Interview and Dumbo series so we can show them your latest one... 😘 And yes, we put a lot of thought and effort into our backstories and making sure that everything is intertwined! So we're so happy that you appreciate it and have fun interacting with us!" -Alice


"Awww we're your first?? <giggle> Well, I'm honored and glad to know that we helped you make the jump! And that's okie that you unsubbed....as long as you're back now! And we reallie love that you like playing with us in the comments! It really motivates us that much more to know that people like our pictures and want to talk to us, rather than us posting the pictures and shouting into the void! <blush> And...erm...I'll tease you, but definitely not mean like Erin... When I'm riding cowgirl I like taking it reeeeeal slowly...." 😉 -Alice


"Thanks Xjay! We're so glad to have you aboard! <giggle> Maybe you can help us rein in Erin's craziness!" -Alice


"<blush> Well it's okie Arty, I love you just as much as I do everyone else here, even if you just joined! And we're super happy you like the stories and our world! It's what sets us apart from all the other artists around here! <giggle> And I heard you're the one who referred Dr. Yamanako to the Medical Director position? Kaori's gotten quite nervous whenever she knows her mommy is here! It's kinda cute!" -Alice


Kaori is not the only one getting nervous when Dr. Yamanako is around. Her...authoritative...personality seems to make everyone nervous around her 😅


Happy Anniversary and congratulations on your success!!


Congratulations Alice! Such an amazing milestone! Uhm, as a present.... *Dresses Loki, Soc and Popo up in frilly latex maid uniforms* You can use their janitorial services for a full day!


<The Director runs over excitedly> "Ohthankfuckinggod. The gym, the sauna, and the training room! They need such a deep cleaning!!!" The three bow and head out. No one notices Erin tiptoe and follow Popo into the sauna...


CONGRATS!!! Time sure flew lool Even tho I can't pledge here mainly due to the cost (also I don't have a way to do international payments at the moment) I'm glad to see it's all going good for you!! I miss when we had frequent exchanges back in the forum, but well, times change for sure. Here is to more success!! ♥


*Grins as they watch Popo being followed into the Sauna, as they push Loki into the training room and lock the door*


"LIN!!!! I missed you! <hugs> Yeah I don't go back to the site much at all anymore but I should! Hehe I did have a peek back at your status tho, you're not "AliceBunnie's Lover" anymore! <pout> Hehe it's okie tho, I understand and I still love you!" -Alice


Hehehee yeaa, I know! Too bad that the title don't have enough chars to put all I want. Still I noticed right now after you mentioned, that it doesn't even say what I had before, with Aster's Husband hahaa. Guess it got changed in an update or something, dunno. Anyway, the Cathouse is always opened for you! Even tho not active, renderingwise tho, until I get a more power PC.