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After being caught, Bethany figured she’d be in for a night of rutting once they got back to the cabin, but instead he’d stuck her through a hole in the wall and locked a bunch of straps around her. She tried to wiggle out as he injected something into her arm. Bethany felt her muscles get stiff and then she couldn’t move at all. The hunter spent a few minutes moving her head around and poking at her face. Then he stepped away and sat down in a nearby chair. At least Bethany assumed that’s what he did, her head had been turned away and she could only see him in her periphery. It dawned on Bethany what she’d been reduced to: a wall mounted trophy.


Thanks to the commissioner for letting me share this and for guest writing the prompt!




I thought the hunter would deal a little more with her great body. Especially her hot ass.


This is getting interesting


Color me surprised...I didn't expect that


I bet the wall mounting of her in the adjacent room also looks amazing.


Did not expect that at all, I like the concept a lot :>


<blush> "Awww you think I have a hot ass? Hehe you know, it still stings from the tranquilizer dart he shot into it....perhaps you could come and massage it for me?" <wink> -Bethany


"Oh don't you worrie, The Director wouldn't let me get cut in half for just a picture. My half on the other side of the wall looks just as nice as my front half!" -Bethany


"What if they decide to hang me inverse to you, I would have to look at your fat ass all day" - Socrates without her mouth moving and sounding very much like Popo


"W-w-wait! It w-w-wasn't me saying that!" - Shouts Socrates as they gently slap Popo