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Alice: "I climbed out from underneath her to go and get my toy, but Bethany went to try and get it first! So we ended up wrestling on the rug and I got her in my special "munchie" position! I really never can get enough of licking her down there...I love her pussy so much! She's so tight and puffy...even though she's had sex with one of Santa's Reindeer, she's still *SUPER* tight! I can even feel her clench her Kegels and squeeze my tongue when I stick it in her! It's no wonder she's one of the most popular girls in the brothel wing of The Facility!"






Very nice - I like the look of intense concentration on Alice's face.


I like the "munchie" position, plus the name is really fitting since Bethany is such a snack 😏


"Ha! I knew it was a good name for this position! The boring old Director said it was called the "Back Bend" position, but I told him that was boring. "Munchie" position is much better!" -Alice


<blush> "erm...yeah...I like closing my eyes so it feels like I'm just totally enveloped by her pussy... Does that make me weird?" -Alice