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The Director: "What...? Does anyone here knock anymore? I have an office door for a reason. Bethany's serving as my secretary, she shouldn't have just let you in here."

Felicity: "Oh...I think she's busy. We passed her in the hall, she said she was thirsty so she was going to go give that new monkey a blowjob."

The Director: "Ok fine I'll have a talk with her, but you should still knock. What if I was busy or something or in a meeting?"

Erin: "But...you're not. You're playing Hunie Pop 2."

The Director: "What...what do you want? Why did you come in here? What is your reason for being here?"

Felicity: "Oh, right uhm...yeah. Can we please have the day off? We'd like to go to the museum."

The Director: "Since when have you two been interested in museums?"

Felicity: "Because...it's educational and the children are our future and if we don't spend the time and effort educating them then the world will lose its most precious resource of all. The children. Because we are the future."

The Director: "I don't believe you." "Why are you so quiet?"

Erin: "Because you're a softie for Felicity so she's asking because you're more likely to say "yes". There's an exhibit on Egypt that we both want to go see too."

Felicity: "Yeah, I love...uhm...Egyptian...ism..."

The Director: "It's called Egyptology. And fine...but I want ZERO shenanigans. I don't want a repeat of last time where I had to drive all the way down there and give the museum director a free sex session with Kaori just because Alice got caught trying to have sex with the woolly mammoth exhibit."

Felicity: "She did what??"

The Director: "I don't want to talk about it. Get out of my office before I change my mind."



Next: Felicity and Erin have sex with the exhibitions.






I already like the story a lot. I'm curious what else the girls will do.


The Director: "They're going to go to the museum and be educated and not get in trouble or have sex with anything or else I will strangle them." Erin: <whispers> "psst....don't listen to him."


I don't want to be mean, but the Director is a bit of a party pooper. Let the girls have some fun! They deserve it!


Felicity: "Oh it's okie, he's that way because he has to keep the Facility running smoothly. He's really a softie on the inside. But don't worry, we don't pay attention to him anyways! Especially on this trip." ;-)


I hope it is a dog's penis.╮(╯▽╰)╭


I love it already


This looks like it's off to a good start, Alice :)