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She was so close to finalizing her transformation and becoming a real horse...but first...she wanted the world to see what she had become. Pushing open the sliding door to her backyard, she could feel the cool night air on her black painted skin as she strode out her gate and into the bustling nightlife of the city.

The hood offered limited vision and she could barely make out shapes and dim lights through the tinted eyeholes, but still she could hear the buzz of the crowd as she walked down the busy sidewalk. She could sense them gawking at this...thing...this half-human, half-horse thing. And it made her so...so horny. She could already feel love juices bead and drip down the sides of her thighs. Her exhibitionist side was raging and begging for release.

And she knew just how she wanted to satisfy it.




It's very brave of her to walk around like that in public! I would invite her over to me. There's a free corner in the garage and I've got a sulky too! Thank you for sharing!