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Name: Felicity C.

DOB: 01/07/2011

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Hazel

Height: 4’9”

Weight: 80 lbs

Breast Size: 26A

Intelligence Quotient (Weschler test): 161

Position Applied For: Junior Sex Slave

First date of slavery program eligibility: 01/07/2021

Submitter’s application received: 01/07/2021

Job Interview Transcript

Editor: "Hello, you must be Felicity. It's nice to meet you! My name is Thanks for showing an interest in our position for a sex slave! So...Tell me a bit about yourself, and why are you applying to this position?"

Felicity: "Well Sir....My name is Felicity and I'm turning ten years old today. My family moved here from Bournemouth in England two years ago. My friends Alice and Kaori told me about this place. They really love working here and they can't stop talking about all the pleasure they get from working here!I'd like to learn more about sex and the pleasure that comes with it.

Editor: "Ah... well Happy Birthday! And yeah...Alice and Kaori...those two are something alright. They're two of our best girls here! So do you know much about what we do here and what the job entails?"

Felicity: "Um...a little bit I guess?"

Editor: "Well, so here at the Facility we take girls as young as ten and train them extensively and intensively to be top notch sex slaves capable or providing the highest carnal, hedonistic pleasures. We train them to be experts in every sexual technique possible and open to every kink there is. In the end, they're pretty much a walking sex organ."

Felicity: "Wow...that sounds..amazing!"

Editor: "Yes, we're the best in the world at what we do. We're known worldwide as the Harvard of sex schools! So...let me as you a few questions if you don't mind. So...have you ever had sex before?"

Felicity: "erm...no...is that a problem?"

Editor: "Of course not, we have a variety of different methods for you to lose your virginity! Now, do you masturbate at all?"

Felicity: "No, I'm sorry Sir..."

Editor: "Nothing to be sorry about, and you don't need to call me "Sir", here you'll call everyone "Master." Can you tell me your likes and dislikes?"

Felicity: "Well..I really like playing with puppies and kittens, watching anime, strawberries, making people smile!"

Editor: "That's fantastic Felicity! Another thing we do here is take pictures and post them to a website called FanBox, do you know what that is?"

Felicity: "Um...I think so...Kaori talked about it once..."

Editor: "It's okay, you can be honest."

Felicity: "Well...Kaori said that it's a site where you pretend to be an artist and post pictures even though all you do is press a few buttons, roleplay as a little girl like a wierdo and then go play video games."

Editor: "ok maybe not that honest."




She is such an adorable sweetheart!


Looking forward to seeing how much Felicity likes dogs!


Hi Felicity, sounds lovely!


So cute, is she a dog lover mate.