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The Editor: "What...wait...what are you guys doing here? I don't think you're supposed to be here..."

Kaori: "What? What are you doing here? Don't you have video games to play?"

The Editor: "What? No. I have like...a headache. Do you know where the aspirin is? And Alice are you drinking coffee? You're too young to be drinking coffee!"

Kaori: "It's semen!!! Someone left it in the insemination incubator so it's nice and hot!"

Alice: "Kaori!!! You said you wouldn't tell anyone!! You're so mean!"

The Editor: "Oh...Okay. Gross. Whatever. Do do you have any aspirin?"

Kaori: "Nope. But according to this computer, you're very very sick!"

Alice: "Yup! This file says......you have cancer..."

Kaori: "...cancer...of the BUTT!"

The Editor: "Ok... A: I don't have cancer. B: You're not supposed to be accessing company health records. And C: You're not even looking at my file, you're in the Anal category of PornHub. You're ten years old, you're not supposed to be looking at porn."

Alice: "Nope! Says here you need a... uhmmmmm... "Colo-no-scopey".

Kaori: "Yes! So pull down your pants and bend over!"

The Editor: "omg...ok...I don't get paid enough for this. I'm going home."

Alice: "awww...what a grump."

Kaori: "I know...I wanted to use this too... Oooh I know! Hehe you wanna give me a colo-no-scopey?"

Alice: "I dunno...he's right, are we allowed to be in here?"

Kaori: "Don't you want to get back at me for telling him you drank an entire mug of horse cum?"

Alice: "grrr.... ok you're gonna get it!"




You are really really good at making these characters come alive and giving them personalities! Can't wait to see the rest of the series!


Oh, I love little girls in pink latex <3


Oh I love it! I think I need a treatment...


Oh Dr Alice. I think you have some stuff in your arsenal to calm my nerves!