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Dammit...I knew Alice was too over sexed to be a trainer. As soon as I lef the room to put away the tray that held their hoods, Alice moved in front of Kaori and grabbed her head in her hands, and viciously began fucking her friend's face. Like..I don't even know how Alice can be that dominant when she's wearing the hood. I asked her why she insisted on wearing it too, and she said that having all of her senses dulled let her focus more on the burning sex coming from her loins. And that just knowing that she was a blind and deaf sex machine turned her on that much more. Either way, every thrust into her friend's throat pushed the vibrator at the base of the strapon into her clit and encouraged her to just fuck harder and harder. Kaori was in no position to object, but from the juices flowing from both of their pussies, I could tell that neither of them minded... Anyways...whatever. I guess I'll let them go for a few minutes before we move on with training. Goddamn kids these days never listen to rules.




And you expected something else?


I hope Kaoris gag reflex has been trained well.. And Alice, you are excused. :D sometimes other body parts take over our actions, that part between our legs is a strong one.


This is exactly why I subscribed to your fanbox. This stuff is gold <3