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This is also my favorite part! I love being knotted to him and when he orgasms... he ORGASMS. Just the feeling of his hot doggy jizz spurting into my womb is always enough to make me cum too..and I love wrapping my arms and legs around him as his cock pumps me full of his seed. Doggy body temperatures are higher than humans, so feeling my loins burn from the inside always makes me tingle just right. I just feel so...small...and tiny beneath him. Like I'm his bitch and he's breeding me. All I could smell was his musk...and the air thick with sweat and sex. And I know some of you guys asked about x-rays, so the Editor got a new camera to test it out! Isn't it cool?!?! You can totally see all his cum flooding me! -Alice ___________________________________________ (Editor's note: Still trying to fine tune this X-ray thing. Do you guys like, or no? I wanted to perfect it more but Alice insisted on seeing how much cum Brutus was pumping into her.)






I love it. It adds a nice touch. I've also seen people split screen the added illustration to enhance its potency. By the way, are you required to always censor (mosaic) your art? I don't live in Asia, and wouldn't mind seeing it uncensored. Just curious.


Yup! Pixiv makes us censor, but they look the other way if we post the uncensored offsite. I always put the uncensored version in the comments!


xray is like the handful of cherries on top of a mountain of icecream. just amazing