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Alice and Kaori have told me that since they're the ones doing all the "work" (their words, not mine) in the pictures, I shouldn't get to have all the fun in writing the captions to their pictures. So just to get them off my back I'm going to let them do the writing for this month. It'll have a slightly different...um...flavor...but they're quite precocious and friendly so feel free to ask them any questions you wish!


But if people think it's weird, I have no problem booting them off the comp and back in front of the camera.

And if you ask me, I'm the one doing all the work. I gotta figure out lighting and camera angles and whatnot. They get to just be cute and sexy and bounce around the place having sex.

-The Editor.




Let the girls talk!


Alice: <giggle> I know right? He thinks he's all good at writing and stuff. But since Kaori and I are the ones whose faces are up there, we should be able to talk to our fans! Kaori: Yeah, I think this would be much more fun if we were able to talk to everyone directly!


Forgive him girls. I am sure he is a nice and creative guy. But with you two cuties around all the blood in his brain is mostly somewhere else I guess. I look forward very much to talk to such pretty (and kinky) girls!


Such beautiful girls!!! I already love Alice, and Kaori is such a cutie as well! Sucks I can't pledge!


Hi there, cutie pies! I just joined last night and am so happy to find out that we can chat with you! I have a simple question to start off for both of you. Do you like men or women better?


Alice: Hmm...I really like it when men cum inside of me, just the feeling of heat coming from down there...and especially since doggies have higher body temp than humans, you can totally feel it when they orgasm! But I also like girls too, it's just so much fun playing with them, especially Kaori! Kaori: <blushes> I think my favorite to have sex with is definitely Alice, but I think I like it best when there's a penis there for her and I to play with too!


i like both styles, but it depends on the situation