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I tend to skip about when it comes to series. I usually make 3-5 pics then move on to something else, occasionally returning to the series if I'm inspired (or if it's popular). So if no one objects, that's how I'll be posting. If a particular scene strikes you, then PLEASE let me know and I'll be sure to continue it!

And on a side note, you guys sure are a quiet bunch. Give me feedback! For example:

"More Dogs!"

"Less Pigs!"

"Why is your lighting so bad?"

"Why aren't there more goblin penises in your pictures?"

You guys are subscribing and supporting me so I want to give you what *you* want! So don't be shy!



More dogs is my only suggestion.


The usual ratio of lurkers to commenters is about 1,000 to 1. If the fans are subscribing and staying you know they are happy. Of course slipping in a goblin penis or two might get their attention.


Ah I see. This is my first subscription site so when no one was responding I was getting nervous. Good to know! I'll put in a goblin penis in my next pic just for you. =P


Up for a challenge? Bear blowjobs, anteater anal and walrus water sports as a start :D