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As some of you may know if not you should know now. My twitter account was banned last month, as of this past week I've made a new twitter account. It will take a bit to get back to where we were at in followers but I believe it can be done. Go follow me on there now @MoonAsukaArt, I'll greatly appreciate any signal boosing you all can do since right now hardly anyone sees anything I post.

No loli's will be shown on twitter to avoid this happening in the future, any drawings related to them will be kept to other websites such as pixiv/fanbox/subscribestar. I'll still notify you on twitter when I've posted new art, however the best place to be notified of anything I do is on Discord so if you aren't already come join our community on there! The Discord join link will be posted in above this update in the timeline!

Now on to the goodies. Over this last week I've implemented a new "routine" for my art where I have a much better and consistent schedule for my drawing, Mon-Fri noon to 4 will be dedicated to me doing nothing but drawing of course I can still do some outside of those hours but I feel this will keep me motivated to working as well as not getting distracted by other things. So far it's been going good, over this last week and a half or so I've gotten out a few things as well as a finished rendered drawing coming soon! I'd like to be able to keep this pace up or even if those hrs change a bit I'd like dedicated time during the weekdays where I'm working then on the weekend I can just post some things I wasn't able to get to during the week!

Long story short I have plans I'm putting in motion so hopefully things go well and stay on track this time! Again .. Come join the discord and follow me on twitter!

I love all of you who support me no matter what it is, any of you guys that enjoy my art makes it absolutely the coolest thing for me and I'm glad I can do it, and of course in all transparency I want to grow so I can make a better sustainable income because we all know how shitty it is that everything seems to be going up in prices and is expensive as shit xD

Thanks for letting me take up some of your time!


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