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Also If you haven't joined our Discord yet, all patrons of girlfriend and waifu tier gain PERMANENT access to our active discord so you don't have to worry about months you don't want to support causing you to lose right to the discord. I understand most people can't or don't want to support every month. There are alot of monthly subscriptions nowadays for all kinds of different platforms and it can add up pretty quickly so never feel like you HAVE to support, but I appreciate anyone who does as it's what helps me do this part time and fingers crossed one day I can do this full time but it's going to take a lot of hard work and I promise to keep at it FOREVER, as this is something I love to do and I genuinly couldn't be doing this with out each and every one of you, and I'll always appreciate you no matter what for taking the time and viewing my art!

Thanks a bunch!!

And I hope everyone has a good holiday season, wish the best for everyone! <3




Sounds great! Could you also send me an invite link to the discord?