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_Oh hey Asuka is that you? "Yeah, it's me haha. It's been a long time it's good to see you" _Yeah it's good to see you and I think it's been 20 years now. "WOOOW 20 years? No way, Crazy how time flies" _Definitely, and congratulations by the way, never expected to see you pregnant. "Yeah I'm expecting a girl but it's been a crazy 8 months, just look at my body, eveything is getting huge!" _Oh.... oHHHH wow that's... that's something alright, your tits are huge! "Yeah and my balls just keep getting bigger too. Just look at all the milk coming out it hasn't stopped for the last month now, makes it quite hard to leave the house sometimes" _Yeah I bet, but DAMN Asuka you really are looking like a snack even in that state. "Aha, thanks you look great as always too!" _Aw, thanks. Do you remember the first time we fucked I couldn't believe you fit you giant dick inside me. "How could I forget I remember all the lolis i fuck" _I'll take that as a complement I guess. Sooo, who's the lucky guy or girl I don't judge? "Yeah funny story about that... It's actually me xD" _Woah woah woah, you impregnated yourself????!! I'm at a loss for words... "Yeah I guess my womb gave in after all these years and decided to accept my own sperm, I can't complain though." _Yeah I never would have expected that but that's cool for sure! "Soo you wanna come play with a pregnant lady?" _After seeing you again it's kind of hard to say no, so I guess for old times sake let's do it! _Oh yeah, did you settle on a name for the kid yet? "Hmm not yet, you have any ideas" _I mean I've kind of always liked the name Eiko. "Hmm that's real cute, I think I'll go with Eiko" _Yaaay I got to name her, I feel so honored! mega>>> https://mega.nz/folder/dVsEALqY#7H6J0X5RLbSkj1QKiPpgGg So it goes a little deeper then that, the real reason Asuka got pregnant that she left out because it'd be way confusing to explain. Was that she had gotten addicted to grabbing younger versions of herself and bringing them to her timeline to fuck, and eventually one of the loli Asuka's got her pregnant so while yes she is both parents she also isn't at the same time.. confusing ehh? xD And yes I'd known for a while that I'd wanted to Eiko to be Asuka's daughter ever since like the first time I colored her and now this is me bringing her lore into existence. Plus Who wouldn't want a milf Asuka drawing, I know I love it and I'm not even into pregnant girls but damn Asuka just hits different xD



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