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Just a quick update, next week I plan on releasing a schedule of sorts that would show the monthly content that you can expect to get. I think this would be good so everyone can know exactly what they're in for if they choose to support me and join our community of tig ol bitties, milf, loli, futa, fetishists that we are ;)

a brief TLDR of what I have in store is (and I think I mentioned this in a prior post before) 1-2 personal drawings, Unscheduled updates, 2-4 commissions (depending on size), the lolification series (fan voted) which would be 3-4 a month (I would like to do 1 a week) and then the FanPoll Drawing at the end of the month (the poll for the month of october should be up Saturday or Sunday)...

This should really come into play in the month of November and onward as Im trying to work the kinks out this month! I hope you guys are happy with this and I can't wait to really get all this content started!! I love you guys! <3

Any questions let me know.



I'm not sure I 100% agree with the purge, but I guess I'll trust your judgement. I'll still be looking forward to what you do in the future.


Several of your Pixiv uploads have disappeared. I spent quite a long time in my bookmarks and such to make sure I wasn't crazy. If you didn't do it, then I guess my solution wasn't exactly perfect.