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Please click the tag "友たちと思っていたのに" to see all post on fanbox :D ====================================================================================================================================================== 02 都是路恩不好,每次每次每次每次每次 每次都在我們面前不知羞恥地炫耀這個身體 你知道我們想吃你多久了嗎,知道我們到底忍了幾年了嗎 其實是故意的吧?對吧?那我們就不客氣了 ルンが悪かったよ、毎回毎回毎回毎回毎回 何度も俺たちの前にこの体を見せつけ 手を出さないように何年ぐらい我慢してたかわかってる? わざとじゃないか?そうだろう?じゃいただきます! It's your fault Rune: over and over and over again you flaunted shamelessly that slutty body of yours right before our eyes, as if waving a tasty steak in front of hungry dogs… Do you know how long we've wanted to taste your luscious body? Do you know how many years we've put up with all your teasing? You did all that on purpose, didn't you? If so, congratulations! It’s a huge success! And now you will get your just deserts. Time to eat now! 啊啊…小恩恩頭髮的味道好香,腦子好像麻痺了 汗的味道也好甜,身體也濕濕滑滑的好好摸 不要亂動啦,路恩打架從來沒贏過我吧 我們會好好享用你的,先讓利瓦享受你的雞雞 我會品嘗其他地方,然後我們會輪流來 路恩就不要亂動,乖乖地當我們養的小奶牛吧 以後每天早上下課放學後我們每天每天每天 每天每天每天每天每天每天都會找你吸奶的 ああ…ルンの髪の匂いいいよいいよ、頭が痺れるぅ 汗も甘いな、体もすべすべ触り心地いいよ 動かないでよ、喧嘩の時も、ルンが一度も勝ったことないじゃない ちゃんと味わうからな♡ リーヴァがち〇ち〇で俺が他のところで、順番に回すから ルン動かないでね、おとなしく俺たちに飼われる子牛になろう これから毎日毎日毎日毎日毎日毎日毎日毎日 朝と放課後に新鮮なミルク搾ってやる Ahhh... your hair smell so good, it feels like my brain is going numb! And your sweat… it is so tasty… Your body… so smooth to the touch. Don't struggle, you know you’ve never won a fight. That won’t change tonight. We're going to savor each moment. Liva, you get to enjoy his cock first. I'll taste the rest and then we'll take turns Just stay put and be our little cow. From now on, we'll milk you fresh in the morning and after school. Day after day, we’ll grow big and strong thanks to your precious milk ♥♥♥ 嗚啊啊啊啊 路恩的雞雞,我正在摸小路的雞雞 有點硬了耶,小路也興奮起來了嗎 好可愛好可愛好可愛噢,不愧是小路 粉紅色的還包著皮,可以剝嗎 前面已經流一點汁出來了,鹹鹹的 好好吃,終於能吃到了嗎 我不是在作夢吧 うああああ ルンのち〇ち〇、現物のち〇ち〇触ってる 硬くなったね、ルンも興奮しちゃった? かわいいかわいいかわいい、ルンめっちゃかわいい ピンク色で皮覆ってる、剝いていい? 先っぽカウパー液出てきてる、ちょっとしょっぱい おいしそう、やっと食べられる 夢じゃないよね Oooooh yesssss Rune's cock, I'm finally touching Rune’s cock~~ Eh? It's getting a little hard hehehe… are you getting excited too? Oh look at that: it's so cute and adorable, just like you Rune! It is still covered with the foreskin, can I peel it off? Hmm a little bit of juice is already coming out… it's salty~♥ It's so good, and at last I can eat it! I-I’m not dreaming, right?, Right?! 等…等一下噢小路 不要害怕,我已經用熱狗練習過很多次了 一定會注意讓你很舒服的,你只要躺著就好了 ちょっと待ってよルン 怖がらないで、ソーセージで何回も練習したから ちゃんと気持ちよくしてみせる 横になるだけでいいよ Wait.. stop moving Rune! Don't be afraid, I've practiced with sausages many times www I'll make sure you enjoy it, just lie down and relax. 快點,快點讓我喝喝看小路的牛奶 我一定會讓小路的雞雞爽翻天的 はやく、はやくルンのミルク飲ませて ルンのち〇ち〇気持ち良くするぜ Come on, let me have some of Rune's milk Let’s make his little dick happy first~~ 你看看利瓦被你害成這副德性 興奮到連什麼都聽不進去啦 欸,利瓦不要吸太用力啊 小恩恩是第一次,他受不了的 要慢慢享受啊 君のために リーヴァが興奮しすぎて何も聞き入れなくなったなww えー、リーヴァ力入れすぎだよ ルンが初めてだからやさしくしないと ゆっくりしてね Hey Rune, look what you've done to Liva! Now he's so excited he won’t listen to me! Come on Liva, don't suck too hard! It's his first time, he can't take it; Take your time and enjoy it! 小路恩的雞雞這麼近啊啊♥ 包皮和蛋蛋的皺褶♥還有的血管都♥ 在一抖一抖得♥好清楚喔噢噢♥♥♥ ルンのち〇ち〇がこんなに近くに♥ うわぴくぴくしてる♥ 皮も金玉のシワも血管もはっきり見えてる♥♥♥ Little Rune's cock is so close ahhhh♥ It's twitching so much eheheh... I can totally see all the details of the skin, the creases on his balls and the veins...! ====================================================================================================================================================== 03 等等啊 你們兩個 ちょっと 君たち何やってる Hey. - Hey, hey, hey! What are you guys doing? 到底想做什麼 那裏很髒的…啊!? 一体何を… そこ汚いっ、あっ!? What do you want to do here? You know it's dirty there... ah?! 路恩的…在嘴裡變硬了… 好棒…好像在作夢一樣… ルンの…口の中に硬くなってる… すごーい、夢みたい… Rune's... getting hard in my mouth... It's so good... it's like I'm dreaming... 幾年前…意外偷看到路恩的大小以後 就一直用差不多尺寸的香蕉來練習… 或者試著用舌頭打櫻桃結,都是為了 夢想中的這一天…啊啊好幸福 数年前、ある日ルンのを見たら ずっとサイズ大体同じのバナナで練習してた… 舌でさくらんぼの茎を結ぶのよく練習してた すべてこの日のために…ああ幸せぇ… A few years ago...after accidentally peeking at Rune's little toy I've been practicing with bananas of similar size... Now I can even tie a knot on a cherry stem with my tongue! All that… all that for this day... ahhhhh so happy 嗚…我們怎麼能做 這種事情…嗚啊! (しくしく)俺たち…どうしてこんなことを…うああ! You… How can you do Such a thing... aaahh waaah! 現在到底是什麼情況… 利瓦在…吃…吃我的… 今のどういうことだ… リーヴァが俺、俺の… What the hell is going on now...? Liva is just... eating my... my... ====================================================================================================================================================== 04 啊、啊 嗚啊啊! あっ、あっ ぐああ Ahhh... AHHH! Gyaaaaahh!! 奈特也是 不要亂摸啊 ナッドも、勝手に触らないでよ Nate too now… No, don't touch it! Please Nate!! 啊!? 啊! 啊!! は!?あ!あっ!! Eh!? Ah! AAAAAAAAHHH!!! 好舒服,好舒服 利瓦的舌頭動來動去 又濕又滑,吸…吸得好緊 き、きもちいい リーヴァの舌がべたべた舐めてる すっ、吸われてるぅぅぅ Oh, that feels good though. Liva's tongue is moving around Wet and smooth, sucking... sucking so hard aaaaahhhh… 現在到底是什麼情況,沒辦法思 考了,奈特的手碰到的地方都好 燙,利瓦的嘴也好舒服,雞雞好 像快融化了,怎麼會這麼舒服 一体どういうこと、もう考えられない ナッドの手に触られたところが熱くなって リーヴァの口も気持ちいい、ち〇ち〇あつい、溶けそう… What the hell is going on now? I can't think. Nate's hands are so hot everywhere he touches them. It's hot, Liva's mouth feels good, I feel like my cock is melting. How can something like this feel so good?! ====================================================================================================================================================== 05 始終沒有過性經驗的利瓦並沒有察覺 自己正在進行的激烈口交,給心儀之人帶來多少衝擊 其行為的激烈性,與其說是給予對方快感 不如說是在滿足連自身都沒察覺到的嗜虐心 生澀且缺乏溫柔的折磨,貪求著口腹之慾 セックスしたことのないリーヴァにはわからない 自分のやってるフェラがどれだけの衝撃をルンに与える 快感を感じさせられるというより むしろ自分でも気づいていない嗜虐心を満たすと言えるだろう 未熟で力加減も中途半端、ただ欲望に身を任せる Liva, who never had sex before, did not realize how much his blowjobs were affecting poor Rune. His act was not so much about giving pleasure to Rune than to satisfy his own sadistic impulses, of which he wasn’t even aware. Liva’s insatiable appetite was overwhelming the unexperienced Rune. The latter was quickly falling into complete passivity, as his brain was submerged by hormones and pleasure. 這份懵懂的愛卻恰好在同樣未經人事的路恩腦中 帶來早已使他瘋狂的快感,小小的肉棒和腦袋如同落葉 只能淹沒在快感的巨浪中,承受著這個年紀本不應體驗到 的快樂,無力地任由利瓦的口舌折磨,金髮的少年如今只 能發出讓對方更加狂亂的呻吟,在快感中載浮載沉,等待 著即將來臨,初次的高潮── こんな無自覚の愛がちょうど都合よく同じ童貞であるルンに 狂わせるほどの快感を与え 小さな肉棒と頭が落ちる葉のように快感の津波に巻き込まれる この歳に対して過酷な快感を受けて抵抗もできなくなりリーヴァの舌に舐められる 快感の海に溺れ、人生最初の射精を迎える Rune’s first rodeo in the realm of wild love was unbearable for him. You could compare it to plugging a phone to a high-voltage power line. The blond boy was left in a catatonic state in which he could only express himself by moaning and crying. Each of these moans sent his partners into a frenzy, speeding up dramatically the moment when Rune would reach the very first orgasm of his life. ====================================================================================================================================================== 06 小路…親愛的小路…… 小路的嘴唇好軟… ルン…愛するルン… ルンのくちびるやわらけぇ… Rune... My precious Rune...... Your lips are so soft... 嗯嗯!? んん!? Gnnnh!? 嗚咿 ひいっ Hey! 嗯咕…嗚… んぐぅ…うっ… Oooohh… 呼嗚 ぐう Guhh 嗯嗚嗚嗚 んううう Gnuuuuh ====================================================================================================================================================== 07 不能…呼吸… 息が…できない… I-I can’t breathe… 不…不行了 要…有什麼要 來了…嗚…! もう… 何か来そう うぐ Oh, no… Something's coming... I c-can’t h-hold it… 啊?咦!? …什麼,為… 為什麼停…嗚… あ…えっ!? なぜ…なぜ止めた…う… Eh? Ehh?! Why did you stop? 小路想射了對吧?還不行噢 不能太早射啊,這可是小路恩 寶貴的第一次,我們要盡量多 享受才行啊 ルンイキそうだね でもまだイっちゃダメだよ ルンの初めてなんだから もっと味わわないと Looks like Rune wants to cum, doesn't he? Not yet. He can't cum too early. It's his first time. It's a precious and unique moment, we have to make it last as much as possible. Let's enjoy it to the fullest~~ 對啊,我還要用路恩的龜頭 來練一下我的櫻桃結練習成果呢 路恩的肉棒在發抖耶,好可愛喔 そうだよ ルンの亀頭で日々稽古の成果を見せようと思うのに ルンの肉棒がびくびくしてる、かわいい♡ Yes, you’re right! Now, I'm going to show you the results of my daily training! Eh look, Rune's little pipe is freaking out, it's so cute! ====================================================================================================================================================== 08 哈啊 はぁ Ahhh 啊喔喔 あうう Awww 嗚哇啊 ぐわあ Gwaaahh 為什麼 なんで What...?! 不要 と… 不要停 止めないで Don- Don’t stop!! 不要不要! 拜託不要又 やだやだ お願いだからもうやだ … ……!! No, please, no, not that!! 嗚哇啊啊啊 ぐああああ Uwaaaaaaaaaahhh ====================================================================================================================================================== 09 咕嗚、嗚嗚嗚嗚… ぐう、ううう… Guaaaaah 小路的肉棒整根紅通通的 尤其龜頭簡直是在發光ww ルンの肉棒真っ赤だ 亀頭がつやつやしてるww Look at this: Rune's glans is all red and glowing, just like Santa’s reindeer’s nose www 防禦力也愈來愈低了ww 這是第幾次了?第九次嗎? 感覺隨便摸一下就會噴出來 防御力低くなったぞww これ何回目?九回目か? ちょっと触るだけで噴いちゃいそう Hey his defences are getting lower and lower. How many times have we made him edge? 8 times? Maybe 9? It feels like he will cum as soon as we touch him eheheh... 小心小心 気を付けてね Oh, be careful. 可是就算小路射精了 我們也不會停喔? ルンが出ても止まんないぞ? But even if he ejaculates, we won't stop, will we? 會一直搓爆路恩射精後超敏感的 小龜龜,你怎麼求都不會停喔? ルンの射精直後ちょー敏感亀頭に容赦なく責めるぞ 拒否権なし☆ Of course. Right after he cums, we'll keep rubbing his lovely glans over and over, until it becomes hyper sensitive! It won’t have a choice but to shooting its delicious load until we’re satisfied ☆ 你們要怎樣都好了,快點繼續繼繼續啊  那就 再來囉 兩人一起全力攻擊,小路能撐幾秒呢 一定會全力讓你爽的 乳頭、龜頭和馬眼的三點同時攻擊 どーでもいーからはやくつづきしよっ そうだな、、 一緒に全力で責めるぞ♡ ルンがどれだけ耐えられるかなぁ、、、♡ 気持ちよくしてあげるよ? 乳首とカリ、尿道の先の同時攻撃だぁ♡ Whatever, let's get on with it! Yeah, let's do it! Let's give it our all together ♡ I wonder, how many seconds can Rune last if we attack all at once?! We'll make you feel reeeeeally good, don’t worry! Yes... A combined attack on his nipples, glans and the top of his urethra, all at the same time!! ♡ ====================================================================================================================================================== 10 專心…把包皮舔開… 舌頭先伸進包皮裡… 慢慢地…不要弄痛路恩… まずはひたすらに…皮を舌で剝いて 隙まで舐めていく ゆっくりと…ルンにやさしくして Concentrate... lick his foreskin open... Put your tongue inside first... Slowly and gently... don't hurt Rune... 龜頭和皮的縫隙…要舔乾淨… 雞雞背面也要用力舔… 刺激這裡時路恩的反應最大 應該是他最敏感的地方… 亀頭と皮の隙間…舐めてきれいにして… ち〇ち〇の裏側も強く舐めて ここは刺激する時に一番反応の大きいところだ きっと敏感だろう The gap between the glans and the skin... lick it clean... Lick the back of the cock as well... Rune is super responsive when stimulated here This should be his most sensitive spot... 嘴唇箍緊…用力吸… 牙齒不能碰到… 把路恩的牛奶吸到 一滴都不剩… 唇で締めつけ…強く吸って… 歯は当たらないでね ルンのミルクを一滴残さず吸ってやろう Tighten your grip with your lips… suck hard... Don't touch him with your teeth. Yeah, like that… Let's suck every drop of Rune's milk! 小路很舒服吧,你聽到那些吱嚕啾嚕的聲音嗎 那是你的好吃雞雞被利瓦享用的聲音喔 等一下就換我吃囉,小路要給我們很多牛奶喔 ルン気持ちいいよね ジュルジュルって聞こえる? リーヴァが君の美味しいち〇ち〇を食べてる声だぞ 後は俺の番だから、美味しいミルクいっぱい頂こう It feels good Rune, right? Do you hear those gurgling sounds? That's Liva drinking like crazy your tasty milk! It's my turn now, so please, share your bounty with me too! 利瓦也真壞,邊吃還邊摳路恩的蛋蛋 這樣小路哪受得了啊,來,小路 不用忍了,這次要讓你射囉,專心在雞雞上 用力射,把小路累積了13年人生的 第一次射精全送進利瓦的嘴裡吧 リーヴァもずるいだな、舐めながら金玉もいじってる こうやったらルンがすぐ出ちゃうぞ ルン、もう我慢しなくてもいいよ ち〇ち〇に専念していっぱいイっちゃえ 好きなだけイっちゃえ 13年の人生で溜まったのを全部リーヴァの口に出して Liva, you're really a bad boy, licking and playing with his balls at the same time like that! How can Rune stand this?! Come on, you don't have to hold back anymore! Just concentrate on your cock! Cum as much as you want! Take everything you've got during the 13 years of your life and put it all in Liva's mouth!! ====================================================================================================================================================== 11 小路在…我的嘴裡… 一跳一跳的顫抖… ルンが…俺の口に… びくびくしてる Rumm mmtle... ignnnn.... mamoooth... Shaggging shoooo muchhhh (Rune's little... is in...my mouth... Shaking so much...) 射了?射了嗎?小路 這個就叫做射精,是只有 我們男生才能享受的快感 慢慢射,專心感覺雞雞的快感 接下來還要教你怎麼潮吹喔 出た?出たか? ルン、これが射精だよ 俺たち男性しか味わえる快感だ ち〇ち〇の快感をゆっくりたっぷり味わってね 続きは潮吹教えてやるよ Did he shoot? Did it come out? Rune, my dear Rune, THIS is ejaculation, and it's a pleasure that only us boys can enjoy. Cum slowly and focus on the pleasure of your cock~~ And then we'll show you how men squirt! 小路人生第一次的射精 是屬於我們的♡♡♡ ルンの人生初射精は俺たちのものだ♡♡♡ Rune's very first ejaculation!! And it belongs to us ♡♡♡♡♡ 小路的雞雞在我的嘴裡顫抖 從蛋蛋深處吸出來的滾燙精液 一股一股的射在我的喉嚨深處… ルンのち〇ち〇が俺の口の中に…震えてる… 金玉の奥から吸い出す熱い精液ぃ♡ Rune's cock trembles in my mouth... I can squeeze his milk straight from his balls Hoooo, a shot of hot cum is going down my throat♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡... ====================================================================================================================================================== 012 等…等等,這是什麼 我已經射出了,不要再弄了 前面好奇怪、雞雞好奇怪 好像要尿出來了 好討厭,不要…討厭!停下來啦! 不要!前面現在很敏感,不要一直舔那裏 乖,小路,忍耐一下喔,忍耐忍耐,等一下就會變很爽囉 不,停下來停下來不要再刺激龜頭了啦 奈特放手啦! ちょっ、ちょっと待てぇ、一体なに…っつ♡ もうイったからやめてぇっ ち〇ち〇が、さきっぽが変になっちゃうぅっつ、、 何か漏れちゃいそう、、 やだ、やめて、やめてよぉ! そこ敏感、だからっ、舐めたらぁ、はっ、はぁっ ルン少し我慢してね? いい子いい子、少し待てばすぐ気持ち良くなるよ~♡ やだぁ、やめてやめてぇ、、亀頭はもうだめっ、、、 ナッド離せぇ♡ Wait… wait, what is this? I've already cum, so stop that, please!! M-my penis, i-it looks so w-weird, the tip is... ahhhhh It’s leaking som-something! It's disgusting, don't... gross!! Stop th-that! Uwaaaahhhh!! No! This part is super sensitive now, stop licking there! Good boy, Rune, hold on, it'll get better later~ No, stop now! Now!! Please, I beg you... Nat, let go! ====================================================================================================================================================== 013 等…等一下! 就說已經射了啊 已經夠了吧! まっ…待ってよ 出たって言ったろ もういいよ Wait... wait a minute! I've already cummed enough! Please stop, it's unbearable!! 好厲害…路恩…叫得跟 網路上的色色短片一樣… しゅごい…ルンが… ネットによく見たビデオのように喘いでる… That's great... Rune... keep screaming like that~~ Just as in the videos on the Internet... 我保證我不會生氣啦 所以快點停…嗚喔喔喔喔 怒ったりしないからもうやめてくれ (ん”)おおおお I promise I won't get mad So stop it... gnnahhh, haaaaaaahhhhhh 專心…摩擦這裡… 龜頭旁邊這一圈… ここに…こすって… 亀頭の淵をなぞる… Focus... rub here... Around the edge of the glans... Round and round and round~~ 用舌苔和舌尖去刮… 再用力…再快一點畫圈… 進攻小路的敏感點… 舌でゆっくりと擦って ちょっと力入れて舐め回して 円を描くように… ルンの敏感帯に攻めるんだ Rub it slowly with the tip of your tongue... Now harder... and faster... Attack him where he's weak... be merciless... give him no rest... 受不了…這個比想像中厲害好多啊… 叫得這麼淒慘…掙扎得這麼色情… 真想每天都能欣賞到他這副樣子… 嗚喔噢噢噢哇啊啊啊 這是什麼、好奇怪、嗚嗚、住口、走開啦、你們 不要啦好像要尿出來了奇怪的感覺前面好痠好不舒服好燙不要一直弄那裏啦 たまんねぇ…これは、、思ったよりすげぇな…♡ こんなに叫んで…エッチにもがく姿がそそる、、 この光景、毎日堪能したいな、、 んっつああああああっつ!! これっなにぃ、変な感じするっ、、、うう、どけぇ、やだぁっ 漏れそうっ、もうやめてっつ、先っぽが痛い、あつい、からぁ、、もうやだぁ♡ Oh my god, this is incredible... so much better than everything I expected! The way he's screaming... his continuous squirming... I wish I could see him like this every day...♡♡♡ Aahhh... what… what’s that? I feel... weird? Noooo, stop… ahhhh No, I-I think I'm going to pee... The tip feels so sore and hot... really stop, please! ====================================================================================================================================================== 014 不…不行了…超興奮…小路的樣子太淫蕩了… 還有這個呻吟…射了… 利瓦也好努力 好,這樣小路就不能亂動了 可以專心在雞雞上了 や…やばい…超興奮したぜ… ルンがエロすぎ… この喘ぎ声…イった リーヴァもよく頑張ってる よし、これでルンが動けなくなった ち〇ち〇に集中しよう Oh fuck... this is so exciting... Rune is even hornier than those boys in Liva's doujin! That moaning... he's cumming once again! How many times has it been now!? Wow Liva, you're doing great! Okay, so now Rune is too exhausted to move. It means we can focus even more on his cock. 哇啊…利瓦的果然也… 流了這麼多…好可愛… 我來讓利瓦也舒服一下 うわぁ、リーヴァのもぬるぬる… いっぱい濡れた…かわいい… リーヴァも気持ちよくしてやる Wow, Liva's is wet too... So wet... so shining... so adorable... I'll make Liva feel good too. ====================================================================================================================================================== 015 奈…奈特!? 現在不能摸── 有,有捨模不妙的要來惹,好爽,嗚 粗糙的舌苔在龜頭上一直摩擦要融化惹啊 利瓦不要那麼用力的舔啊啊 奈特的手太爽了路恩也啊哈哈一定要一起爽死你才行 ナっ…ナッド!? 触っちゃだめっ── な、なんか変な感じする、、、きもちぃ、んっ ざらざらってぇ舐められてるっ、溶けちゃううう、、♡ リーヴァにそんなに舐められたらぁ、、 ナッドに触られてきもちいい♡ ルンも、はぁ、絶頂させてやるよ N...Nat! I-if you k-keep licking it like th-that, I-I... Ngh... Som...something’s coming... i-it’s just too intense - uhh... AHHHHHH... His rough tongue rubbing my peepee... ahhhhh I’m melting……. And Liva, he’s licking me so hard… How much does he enjoy that?! The way Nat's touching me... it feels heavenly ♡. Rune, let me pay you back all that pleasure you gave me~~ ====================================================================================================================================================== 016 太爽了跟路恩一起高潮惹 最高だぁ~っ♡ルンと一緒にイクぞ♡ Cumming into Rune... Flooding him with all my love... it’s just... otherworldly!! Nothing in the world can beat this feeling!! ---- ====================================================================================================================================================== 017 好爽…怎麼回事…原本還很難受的… 好像要尿出來的感覺…不見了… 怎麼會變這麼舒服…原來小龜龜被摩擦會這麼爽嗎 全身都好燙…一股酥麻的快感從蔓延到腳趾 きもちいぃ…なんで…最初は…つらいのに おしっこが出そうな感じ…亀頭しこられるとこんなに気持ちいいのか… 身体が熱い…快感が全身の隅々まで駆け巡った… It feels incredible... what's going on... it was super painful at first. But now... I feel like I'm going to pee... I didn't know it feels this good to have my glans rubbed like that... My body is hot... every part of it is drenched in pleasure... oooooohhhhhh... It's so good... I feel like I'm going to pee...gone... How come it feels so good...does it feel so good to rub your little turtle? My whole body is so hot... a tingling sensation spreads from my toes 爽到說不出話來了…啊哈…哈哈…利瓦在… 用掌心摩擦嗎…不知道…沒辦法思考了…好爽… 好爽…舒服到不行了…不要停…啊哈哈哈…哈哈… もう何か口に出そうとしても…はぁ…はぁ…リーヴァが… 手のひらで擦ってるか…わかんない…考えられない…きもちぃぃ… ぞくぞくする…止めないで…がははは…はぁはぁ… * E-everything feels so good I-I can't even speak a word * hah...haha... Li...vaaa... * He's it rubbing it with his palm... I don't know... c-can't think... soooooo good... * It's awesome... please... never stop... ahhhhhhhh... 好可愛,好想每天都可以看到 下次要記得拍下來 かわいい、毎日見たいよ 次回はちゃんと録画しよう How cute, I wish I could see him in this state every day! Remember to take a picture next time! 利瓦你看,小路高潮的表情好厲害ww 變成一隻只會淫叫不知羞恥的小淫獸惹 リーヴァ見て、ルンのイキ顔すばらしいよ 恥知らずの淫獣になっちゃったぜ Liva, look at the expression on his face each time he comes! He's really turned into a shameless little slut! 小路你聽得到嗎 只要答應當我們的奴隸小奶牛以後 以後每天都會幫你玩雞雞喔 ルン聞こえる? 俺たちの性奴隷の子牛になれば 毎日毎日ち〇ち〇イジってあげるよ Can you hear me, my cute little Rune? If you promise to be our slave cow, we'll play with your cock every day! 太爽到要死惹♥♥ しぬほどきもちいいいい♥♥ AaAaAAAaaaaAAhh it's so good, it's killing me ♥♥♥♥ ====================================================================================================================================================== 018 啊哈哈哈不要啦 好舒服喔喔不行了 一直在爽啊啊好奇怪 嗚啊噢啊啊啊嗚 あっはーはーはーやめて 気持ちぃぃもうだめっ 変になっちゃう ぐうあああああ Haa-haa-haa-haaaa... s-stop. Oh, God, I can't bear it! I'm losing my mind! Aaahhh!! 住手,不要惹 我受不了啦啊 利…哈啊 やめて、もうやめっ もうだめだ リー…ハアァ No, no, no, no, no, no! I can't take it a-any-m-more... Liv...haaaa... 拜託你們 不要…嗚咕 おねがい やめぇ…うぐ Please..... Stop this noww-AAAWWW! 好開心,以後每天都可以像這樣跟小路做愛 一想到這個就興奮到不行 嬉しいよ これから毎日ルンと、こーんなセックスやりまくって、、っつ 想像するだけでたまんねー♡ This is a dream come true! From now on, I'm going to have sex with Rune every day. Ooooohh... I can't stop thinking about it!! ====================================================================================================================================================== 019 哪,小路,換個姿勢來繼續爽吧 なぁ、ルン、姿勢変えて続けよう Come on, Rune, let's change your posture and have fun! 來,上來這邊 哇咧,小路看起來已經沒什麼意識了 ほい、こっち来て えー、ルンが意識失ったみたい Oh please, get up now! ...uh-oh, I think Rune has just lost consciousness... 我會一輩子記得這個… これ一生覚えるわ… * I will remember this for the rest of my life... * 動不了… 動けない… * C-can't move... * ====================================================================================================================================================== 020 咿呀啊啊啊 ぎゃあああ Ggg-Gyaaaaaaaaa 可惡,這兩個傢伙根本沒有在聽我說話的啊! 他們滿腦子只想…啊!等等,不



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