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日本語ヴァージョンはしばらくお待ちください =================== 有個老粉一直想我畫這系列的延續 結果想不到畫完後還接二連三出現兩三個封印的靈感 真的壓根沒想到這系列坑有看見補完曙光的一天XDD =================== 少年無法相信自己的眼睛,資訊量實在太大了 箱子內仍然是那顆已經見過不只一次的,被封印的男孩龜頭 在這個箱子裡,男孩龜頭被奇特形狀的刑具給緊緊箍住,尿道口則隨之被強制撐開 更恐怖的是一根粗大、不斷扭動的觸手塞滿了他那被硬性擴大的尿道 在刑具及觸手的內外包夾下沾滿液體的男孩龜頭彷彿一顆隨時會爆炸的腫脹蜜桃 就算箱子已經打開,觸手仍然自顧自地深深插入 持續強烈地吸啜著男孩的體液,絲毫沒有想抽出的意思 當少年伸出手,觸摸到觸手噴濺出的液體時,再度感受到那股恐怖且熟悉的麻癢感 有了之前的經驗,少年大膽地用手指試著將觸手給挑出來,他好奇這根觸手究竟插入到多深的程度, 而就像之前的封印瓶,觸手的吸力強大,眷戀般地將自己深埋在原處,似乎在抗拒少年阻止他享用佳餚 好奇壓過了畏懼,隨著手一用力,不知是否是錯覺的,一股隱隱約約的男孩慘叫聲迴盪在少年的耳邊 「也太長了吧…」少年有些驚恐地嚥了口水,最終,一根粗大、且遠超少年預測長度的觸手終於被完全拉出了肉穴 隨著清脆的「嘶啵」聲,百年來吸滿了養分的觸手以充滿了生機的態勢彈了出來。隨即觸手將長達數十公分的自身縮了起來 任憑大量不知名的液體持續滴落在被刑具撐開且毫無掙扎能力,男孩顫抖著的尿道口內,等待著下次盒子再度被關上 The young teen could not believe his eyes nor make sense of what was in front of him: Inside the box lied once again the glans of that mysterious boy! Now he could make sure, these boy's organ could be sealed in at more than two different places at the same time! Tightly bound by an oddly shaped torture device, his urethra was forced open, and to add to the horror, a thick, twisting tentacle kept squirming inside. Even though the box had been opened, the tentacle didn't get out of its victim's urethra. It just kept feeding mindlessly on the helpless kid's nutrients, not giving a single care to its surroundings. When the boy reached out and touched the liquid spurting from the tentacle, he once again felt that horrible and familiar tingling sensation. Nonetheless, emboldened by his previous experience, the reckless child tried to pick the tentacle out with his fingers, merely to know how deep it actually penetrated the urethra. Just like the sealing bottle from before, the tentacle's suction was strong and it buried itself even deeper, as if resisting the boy's efforts to prevent it from enjoying its treat. The youth's ears echoed with a faint boy's scream. Whether it was an illusion or not, this didn't stop him, as curiosity overwhelmed his fear. "It's way too long..." Shrieking with indignation, the tentacle, which had been sucking up nutrients for a hundred years, popped out with a mind-shivering 'shluck', and immediately shrank itself to a length of several dozen centimeters, allowing a large amount of strange susbtances to drip down. The boy's trembling urethra, which was fully exposed and helpless, was waiting for the box to be closed again.




I really like all of the sealed box pictures you've drawn so far. The concepts are always really erotic and I enjoy reading the stories alot.


Not sure you will love coming soon No.4,5,6,7 or not, it's difficult to be not repeat so become strange now XD|||


Don't worry about it and just draw what interests you at the time. Your drawings are exciting because I can tell how much fun you have making them and writing the stories that come alongside them.🥰 (cute boys enduring pleasure is one of my favorite things too😏💕)