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關於接下來的動向: 基本上我被砍過很多次,所以就很淡定的狀態 這裡會持續更新,除非12/15出了什麼大事或是他們近期真的開始動刀Ban作者才會考慮轉移平台,轉移的話暫定是Fantia,但是屆時我一定開啟回購功能,簡單講就是絕對不會有像現在這種1000羊看三個月2000羊全部看的超絕大放送了,要買要快XDD 觀察最近幾天的風向,這些Pixiv主站既有的條款看起來的確就是針對3D系、AI甚至真實犯罪用的…Pixiv主站既然都沒事可以發這些內容,我想也許分站這裡不會太嚴格也說不定… 始終因為有Patreon的前例,我無法跟大家拍胸脯保證說什麼絕對沒問題,尤其Pixiv本身實在算是劣跡滿滿Fanbox說好聽是精簡輕便說難聽是不思進取什麼功能都沒有,所以我也沒什麼理由跳出來幫坦(尤其有時候可能這些大公司需要風向來對抗),回歸主題--真的就是冷靜不用太慌張,這種事情真的就是等出事了再來說,反正到時候最多就是網站不能用,又不是會被告被抓=.=||| 規則寫在那裏是一回事,有沒有要嚴格執行是一回事,執行起來最痛的會是Pixiv本身,Pixiv應該比誰都想保住作者的飯碗,誰叫這也是他們的吃食,總之大家一起希望沒事吧qq Basicly I'v been attacked for many times, so I'm quite calm these days. I will keep update here, until 12/15 if there're really big change or start to ban users on fanbox, then I will transfer to Fantia, BUT, I will open that limited function, that means there won't have super services like here you could see everything by only 2000JPY, so quick if you want XDDD Emmm I hope pixiv won't do that TOS very strict, you know that TOS is already write in Pixiv main website, but still you could upload here, so I Just decide to see how situation become, so not decide to change now, just tell you what I'm considering now, because we already be banned few years ago on patreon, so I didn't be very panic now XD I mean, that kind of TOS are already be post on Pixiv main website, and they didn't really banned all that kind of art like they said, so you could still see even guro art on pixiv. Some people find out maybe it's because some bastard use BOT upload lots of AI and illegal content on pixiv and fanbox, so they official are trying to stop these guys. We could just wait and see what will happened next, cuz you know, as a businessman, if they really banned all these type of artist on fanbox, the most painful will be themselves. These TOS maybe just create for these troll who upload illegal content. Lets hope so. =============================== This is not the first time these websties tells me (and other artists) they will crack down shota art, so I'm relatively calm these days. I will keep releasing new arts here, at least until 12/15 if they start banning users like me on Fanbox. In that case I will migrate to Fantia, BUT, I will use a feature of Fantia which allows me to restrict the posts lower-tier users can access to. Basically it means that you won't be able to see older posts (after a certain date) if you're in the 500/1000 yen tiers. Emmm honestly I hope pixiv won't implement the part of those terms of services (TOS) banning shota pictures too strictly. Technically speaking, this kind of art is already forbidden on pixiv main website (lol), but not many accounts were banned just for that, so for now, I will simply wait and see how the situation evolves. I have no intent to use another website to host my arts and receive support from you, as it already happened too recently with Patreon, so please: don't panic XD I mean, really, those new TOS are probably mainly aimed at those trolls who keep posting AI art. For instance, the section banning gore pictures has been around for a long time, and you can still find this kind of picture everywhere on pixv! So right now, the only thing to do is just to wait and see what will happen next, cuz you know, as a businessman, if they really banned all the lewd artists on Fanbox, they would be the first to suffer! These TOS are likely created to deal with those troll who upload illegal contents. Lets hope so.






希望不要重演Patreon的慘劇 不然之後又要重新找可以正大光明看色圖的平台了


因為paypal本身限制r18且實行起來比visa/mastercard早了十年有餘,我這輩子最先被ban的就是paypal XDD 他們相對寬鬆是同樣只要不寫明或太明顯是交易r18就可以用,但絕大多數情況仍然是像booth那樣r18不可以用paypal交易 至於booth上的遲早都會上H站的,只是H站是步兵價格又更難決定,同時上會讓人覺得在其他網站買的人很吃虧啊…orz






想在日本網站購物的話還是JCB吧,V/MC那兩家… - -


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