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--回想起學生時期的悸動吧,是什麼時候察覺到自己與他人有所不同呢?可曾有過感情很好的天菜男同學呢?為了維持好友的關係,只能拼命地將感情壓抑在心中深處… 深怕破壞現狀,連自己究竟希不希望被察覺這份複雜的感情都不知道,但是,他卻那麼的「不知檢點」,總是穿著寬鬆的衣褲,大手大腳的摸過來,儘管偶爾在打鬧間會試著偷偷摸一下 或者盯著偶爾在家裡過夜的他毫無防備的睡姿,在衣物的縫隙間有意無意地偷瞄,自己都不知道到底能夠忍耐到什麼時候… 這就是兩個忍了十年的男孩利瓦(Liva)與奈特(Nat),某天在精蟲衝腦下終於失控,對他們愛慕已久的朋友路恩(Rune)出手的短篇故事 「原本以為是朋友…」系列! ========================= 学生時代のドキドキを思い出そう。いつの間にか、自分が他の人と違うことに気づいたか。同性の友人にひそかに恋心を抱くことあったか。バレたら終わりだと思い、必死に自分の気持ちを心の中に秘めていた… 現状を変えるのが怖くて、自分でも気づかれたいかどうかわからない。だが、この状態に対して彼はいつも無神経でゆるい服ばかり着て体の接触も全然気にしていなかった。一緒に遊んでいる時にこっそりと触ったり、寝ている時に無防備の寝顔を見たり、服の隙間を覗いたりもしたけどいつまで我慢できるか自分もわからない… これは、十年の間にずっと我慢してた二人の男の子「リーヴァ」と「ナット」、ある日にエッチな衝動を抑えられない、恋する親友「ルン」に手を出した短編ストーリー 「友たちと思っていたのに..」シリーズ! ========================= Do you remember that throbbing back then in school? When you looked at this guy in your class instead of focusing on the course? When you felt your heart beating faster each time he would speak to you? Everything was going just fine... until you realized one day there was something else, something stronger than just friendship. It was a strange mix of admiration and desire, as if you wanted to keep him just for yourself. But you felt telling him all this would destroy this precious friendship, right? Still, is it really better to burrow those feelings deep in one's heart and stay silent, doing as if everything was normal...? Yes suffering in silence is a much more enviable situation than risking losing him. But... ahhhh why does he make that more complicated than it should be by behaving in such a slutty manner?! Unaware of how much his body is candy for the eye... always wearing loose clothes... Sometimes you would touching him sneakily there and there, using some silly game or idiotic joke as a pretext... or drool at his unsuspecting body from your bed during those blessed nights when he slept at home, peeking at the gaps of his clothes to get some glimpse of his most intimate parts... How long could all this last, you didn't know; but you did your best to grab each opportunity. This is the short story of two boys, Liva and Nat, who have put up with those emotions for ten years and finally lost control one day, when their hormones got to their heads and made them hit their long-time friend Rune. The "I thought we were just friends..." series begins!!







