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特別感謝 @sandsuna 讓我家小白客串TAT https://www.fanbox.cc/@sandsuna/posts/2166368 他家的騷年也好棒ㄛ啊嘶 ============== 「……!?」 一個平常的早晨,還未清醒的大腦一片朦朧 耳邊傳來濕漉漉的聲音、全身傳來一波波奇妙的感覺 睜開眼來,男孩發現自己並非身在溫暖的被窩裡 而是赤身裸體地身埋在無數噁心的觸手之中 連究竟發生了什麼事都來不及細想 大腦早已被從未體驗過的快感佔據 口中先忍不住發出一陣陣地呻吟 (嗚--這是什麼、好噁心--!) 總算反應起驚恐的男孩開始扭動身體 卻隨即發現手腳被觸手緊緊地吸住 纖細的腰肢和小小的胸膛也被觸手纏繞住 觸手似乎對自己的掙扎產生反應似的加大了拘束力道 愈來愈多的觸手攀上了連自己都沒碰過的地方爬動 胸前像是小紅豆的乳頭,一邊被觸手重複吸起 另一邊的乳頭則是被觸感如同毛刷般的觸手快速挑弄 耳內傳來濕淋淋的吱溜水聲,腋下、脖子等敏感帶 也都被像是水蛭的觸手攀滿了,來回蠕動 (好噁心!)(好舒服)(好奇怪!) 未經人事的男孩不知所措地,只能淚眼看著自己的下半身脹大成從未見過的樣子 似乎這個部位特別受到觸手喜愛,粗細造型不同的觸手爬滿了整根陰莖 有些有著吸力、有些似乎帶著倒鉤,唯一相同的就是各自帶來了不同的快感 無數的觸手幾乎把自己的下半身整根包住,有些還鑽入了包皮的縫隙之中來回舔弄 一股從未體驗過的熱潮衝擊著小白的腦袋,並集中到小小的陰莖上 感觸到即將男孩射出初精,那些細小的觸手在此時一同退開 此時數根粗壯觸手垂下,如開花般露出了造型特異的內部 有些滿是細小蠕動的觸手、有些呈圓周狀佈滿了吸盤 唯一共通點就是中間都有個洞,裡面不斷流淌出觸手的分泌液 有些甚至彷若威嚇似的朝小白臉的方向露出了自己的吸精器官 這些觸手都是為了不間斷地輪流吸吮小白的陰莖,逼他射精用的 驚恐的小白只能無助地瞪大眼睛 眼睜睜看著一根榨精觸手緩緩靠近自己的陰莖 觸手的「雙脣」抵住了頂端,一步步抽動著吞食 隨即就將小白的肉棒整根含到底了 此時的男孩早被快感刺激得只能不斷喘氣了 觸手只要隨便抽動一下就會立刻射精吧 達到敏感極點的小白能清楚感受到 觸手內部有一個箍住他龜頭的小空間 一圈肉齒緊緊咬住了冠狀溝不讓他逃跑 裡面傳來的感覺除了厚實觸手肉壁在蠕動壓擦以外 彷彿有無數指甲從四面八方摳弄著他的龜頭一樣 攝食著小肉棒的主要觸手還來不及開始運作 裡頭就已經先用自己的方式獨立咀嚼起小白最敏感的器官 「咿--咿啊!哈啊!!啊啊啊啊啊啊---!」 男孩滿面潮紅,被觸手的動作震懾得渾身發抖 未經人事的龜頭哪受得了這種刺激,小白大聲尖叫著 一股熱流就已經先衝破了龜頭--在觸手的撕咬下噴射而出 並不是射精 人生當中首次高潮是潮吹而非射精的男孩,恐怕小白還是第一位吧 整條含住小白肉棒的觸手也終於跟著開始的大幅度的運動 在小白拼命喘氣呻吟的高潮當下對整根肉棒開始了強力的吞吐 內外配合著,各自以不同的節奏反覆享用品嘗著小白最脆弱的器官 「嗚哇、不、不要!!不要--停啊!」 被觸手全面支配的男孩緊繃著身體努力承受排山倒海的性愛快感 身上的觸手也配合著活性化,在小白裸露的肉體上下來回扭動 全身敏感帶都被觸手箝制配合著毫不留情地榨精 「呃…呃………」 已經無法言語的小白,一波高潮還尚未結束 嬌小的身體就已經開始猛烈顫抖著迎來人生第一次的射精 「啊……啊嗚……呃…」 就算是成年人有些一輩子也沒嘗試過的過量快感 如今毫無節制地侵犯著這個出生以來頭一次被碰觸的小肉棒 「噗咿噗吱噗嚕嚕嚕咕噗嚕嚕……」 (待續…) ============================== "......!?" On an ordinary morning, while waking up, the boy could hear a wet sound. At the same time his whole body was experiencing strange but also pleasant sensations... When he opened his eyes, he found out he was no more under the warmth of his blanket. Instead, he was naked and buried in a myriad of repulsive tentacles. He didn't even have time to think about what was happening. His mind was already overwhelmed by a sensation he had never felt before. The first thing that came out of HIS mouth was a moan. (Aaaahh... what's this? T-that's gross...!) The boy finally reacted to the shock and started to wriggle his body. But then he found his arms and legs being held tightly by the tentacles They were also wrapped around his slender waist as well as his small chest. The tentacles seemed to respond to his struggle by increasing the force of their grip. More and more of them crawled up to places they hadn't yet touched. One of his nipples, which looked like little red beans, was repeatedly sucked up by tentacles. The other nipple was being quickly stroked by brush-like tentacles. Deafening sound of wet squeaking overwhelmed his ears, while his sensitive areas, such as the armpits and or his neck, were covered in leech-like tentacles, each of them wriggling back and forth. (It's disgusting!) (So strange!) (So... soooo good...) The unexperienced boy felt helpless and could only watch in tears his lower body swelling up in a way he had never seen before. It seemed that this part of the body was particularly popular with the tentacles, as they crawled all over his penis in different shapes and sizes. Some had suction, others seemed to have barbs, the only thing that was the same was the pleasure they each brought... Numerous tentacles were wrapping themselves around the lower part of his penis, some of them even penetrating inside the prepuce and licking back and forth. A wave of heat, the likes of which he had never experienced before, hit Shiro's head and focused on his tiny penis. Sensing that the boy was about to ejaculate, the tiny tentacles retreated together at that moment. Then several thick tentacles dropped down, revealing their strange shapes inside, somewhat similar to flowers Some were full of tiny wriggling tentacles; others were covered with suction cups in a circular shape. The only common point was a hole in the middle, from which the tentacle's secretions flowed continuously. Some of them even showed their sperm-sucking organs in the direction of Shiro's face, as if they were threatening him. The tentacles were all designed to suck on Shiro's penis in an uninterrupted rotation, forcing him to ejaculate. Terrified, Shiro could only stare helplessly He watched as one of these tentacles slowly approached his penis Its 'two-pronged' mouth pressed against the tip of his penis, pumping and swallowing step by step In no time the whole of Shiro's penis was swallowed. By now the boy was gasping for breath because of all the pleasure he was receiving. At this point, the tentacles could make him ejaculate with a single move. At the height of his sensitivity, Shiro could clearly feel a small space inside the tentacle that encircled his glans. A ring of flesh and teeth clenched around the coronal groove to prevent him from escaping. The thick flesh of the tentacle writhed and rubbed around the boy's most delicate organ. It was as if countless fingernails were straining at his penis from all sides. Still, the main tentacle feeding on his little penis had barely begun its work. The tentacle just couldn't wait and so its inside part started chewing on Shiro's most sensitive organ. "Ee-eee! Aaaah! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The boy's face flushed as he shook uncontrollably from the intense sensations overflowing his young body. A stream of hot water had already burst through the tip of his penis - spurting out under the tentacle's grip! It wasn't an ejaculation. In fact, Shiro was certainly the first boy ever to have a squirting before an ejaculation! The huge tentacle that was holding Shiro's penis finally started to move with great force. The whole organ started to be swallowed as Shiro gasped and moaned in orgasm. The two tentacles were working in tandem, each one tasting the most vulnerable organ of Shiro in a different rhythm. "Whoaaaa, no, no! No... stop! The boy's body was tense as the tentacles dominated his body, trying to withstand the overwhelming sexual pleasure. The tentacles on his body were moving, wriggling up and down on Shiro's naked flesh. All the sensitive areas of his body were gripped by the tentacles and mercilessly stimulated. "Uh...uh ......... Shiro, already breathless, was still climaxing. The first orgasm of his life began to shake his puny body violently "Ahhh ...... ahhh ...... uhhh... This crushing pleasure was on a whole different scale from what adults usually experience in their lives. His tiny penis, touched for the very time since Shiro's birth, was savagely violated. "Pooh-pooh-pooh-pooh-pooh-pooh-pooh-pooh-pooh-pooh-pooh-pooh-pooh ...... tentacles, each of them wriggling back and forth. (To be continued...)






太棒了吧 這種觸手多來一打(?