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特別感謝 @sandsuna 讓我家小白客串TAT https://www.fanbox.cc/@sandsuna/posts/2166368 彷彿就像在我的設定中所說的 三人真的在其他世界線過著幸福快樂的生活… 讓我更能專心開虐HAHAHAHAHAHAHA https://waysin.fanbox.cc/posts/2043657 https://waysin.fanbox.cc/posts/2050584 https://waysin.fanbox.cc/posts/2012246 附帶一提,下個月開始將實行之前所說的 https://waysin.fanbox.cc/posts/1999637 500Tier變成能夠看到三個月內的作品 (Three month's work) 1000Tier變成一次下載三個月內的作品+看得到全站作品 (One-click download Three month's work + Could see all post here) 2000Tier變成能夠一次下載全站作品 (Could download all work) 還請海涵 ============== 「……!?」 一個平常的早晨,還未清醒的大腦一片朦朧 耳邊傳來濕漉漉的聲音、全身傳來一波波奇妙的感覺 睜開眼來,男孩發現自己並非身在溫暖的被窩裡 而是赤身裸體地身埋在無數噁心的觸手之中 連究竟發生了什麼事都來不及細想 大腦早已被從未體驗過的快感佔據 口中先忍不住發出一陣陣地呻吟 (嗚--這是什麼、好噁心--!) 總算反應起驚恐的男孩開始扭動身體 卻隨即發現手腳被觸手緊緊地吸住 纖細的腰肢和小小的胸膛也被觸手纏繞住 觸手似乎對自己的掙扎產生反應似的加大了拘束力道 愈來愈多的觸手攀上了連自己都沒碰過的地方爬動 胸前像是小紅豆的乳頭,一邊被觸手重複吸起 另一邊的乳頭則是被觸感如同毛刷般的觸手快速挑弄 耳內傳來濕淋淋的吱溜水聲,腋下、脖子等敏感帶 也都被像是水蛭的觸手攀滿了,來回蠕動… (待續) ============== "......!?" On an ordinary morning, while waking up, the boy could hear a wet sound. At the same time his whole body was experiencing strange but also pleasant sensations... When he opened his eyes, he found out he was no more under the warmth of his blanket. Instead, he was naked and buried in a myriad of repulsive tentacles. He didn't even have time to think about what was happening. His mind was already overwhelmed by a sensation he had never felt before. The first thing that came out of my mouth was a moan. (Aaaahh... what's this? I-it's disgusting...!) The boy finally reacted to the shock and started to wriggle his body. But then he found his arms and legs being held tightly by the tentacles They were also wrapped around his slender waist as well as his small chest . The tentacles seemed to respond to his struggle by increasing the force of their grip. More and more of them crawled up to places they hadn't yet touched. One of his nipples, which looked like little red beans, was repeatedly sucked up by tentacles. The other nipple was being quickly stroked by brush-like tentacles. Deafening sound of wet squeaking overwhelmed his ears, while his sensitive areas, such as the armpits and or his neck, were covered in leech-like tentacles, each of them wriggling back and forth. (To be continued...) ==============================





