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克爾密塔秀機關的永久處刑室 先回→ https://waysin.fanbox.cc/posts/2016195 「克爾密塔秀機關」 一個成員幾乎都不是人類的神秘機構 成員們主要的研究目標就是以各種不同的方式刺激騷年肉體,逼迫他們的精神到達極限,以進行能量榨取,如同邪教一般的團體。 艾榭是觸手部門及追獵部門的管理者,這個機關所涉足的獵場穿越時代、涉及外星、跨足異世界,在各個世界及次元獵捕足以擔當能量來源的騷年。 甚至能說這個團體是由各種神、魔及超然存在所組成的,被捕捉的騷年連死亡的資格都被剝奪,無一例外的陷入永恆的快感及苦痛之中。只是…比起這些成員能夠造成的毀滅來看,該說幸好他們的興趣只在騷年身上嗎…? 「永久處刑室」 完全依受刑者體型量身設計的處刑道具 兩塊鐵板一旦組合上就沒有辦法再打開 裡面養殖著的也是最兇暴一類的觸手 在供給生存所需,維持住受刑者生命的同時 完全忽略受刑者的身體狀況不分日夜不停刺激性器榨取精液 一般情形下的本項施刑 需要各種特殊的身體及精神適應調整 但在本案例中,由於受刑者的情況特殊,可以直接施刑 ============================= 「你覺得,從騷年身上榨取能量聽起來很胡扯?」 渾身邪氣的男孩不屑地撇了發問者一眼,接著說道 「這還是方便你們聽得懂的講法了,需要我說明真正的運作模式嗎?有許多來自不同世界,操作不同語言及文化的個體,他們喜歡看這些小生物受難的樣子--他們重複被逼迫到高潮的表情,肢體的扭動,我以虛空傳播他們赤裸裸地承受苦難及快樂的姿態,於是我從各個世界得到能量及信仰而存在,這種說法有沒有比『榨取能量』更能說服你啊?」 ============================= 自己的身體上下每個部位都在觸手的支配之下 彷彿能看透自己的想法,只要哪個地方感覺到刺激或無法忍受 觸手就會毫不留情的針對哪個部位用哪種方式進行最劇烈的折磨 畢竟這整套機關的設定本來就不是「為了讓他舒服」 而是在無視其意願及身體狀況的情況下 採取最殘酷且直接的方式逼迫他不停高潮 「不要、救我、誰來救--嗚咕」 男孩發出如同瀕死野獸般的慘叫 身體同時隨著早已無法承受的高潮瘋狂地抽搐 觸手隨即將他的嘴巴給堵上--並非是為了阻止他的哀號 如同以往,只是單純地進行維持生命所需的灌食 不管再怎麼祈禱,令人發狂的 肉體受到的刺激也沒有停止過 在高潮中逼迫著再次高潮 在射精時被迫同時達到前列腺高潮 在前列腺高潮時達到龜頭高潮 赤裸的每一寸肌膚都被觸手細細舔過、來回摩擦 在睡眠中,小小的肉棒也被不停折磨著射精 究竟惡夢中的經歷是現實,還是現實的經歷是惡夢 無論是短暫的睡眠中或是被高潮驚醒後都是快感 那所謂「惡靈」連掙扎的資格都沒有 被限制在沿著他的身形輪廓製作,嚴絲合縫的牢房內顫抖 每分鐘不斷重複數次被高潮折磨至暈厥又驚醒的過程 若是一般人早在十幾分鐘內就足以精神崩潰 但如今,連如此的改變對他來說都是無法奢求之物 這個傳聞就如同那幼小的身姿一般 最終隱沒在校園的黑暗之中 ============================= The Kermil Tasho Agency A mysterious organisation whose members are hardly human. The main objective of their research is to stimulate the flesh of male youngsters in various ways, forcing them to reach their mental limits in order to extract energy from them. Ese (エセ) is the head of the tentacle department and the hunting division, an organisation that operates across time, planets and other worlds, hunting for boys who can be a source of energy in every dimension. It can even be said that this group is made up of various gods, demons and supernatural beings, and that the captured boys are deprived of even the right to die as they are invariably plunged into eternal pleasure and suffering. Their intense interest in young males is somewhat fortunate, in comparison to what destruction such powerful beings could cause if they desired it. The "Permanent Execution Chamber" A torture device designed to fit the victim's body shape. Once the two metal plates are connected, there's no way to open them again. Inside, the most violent tentacles are cultivated. while keeping the victim alive and providing for his survival needs, the tentacles also stimulate his sex organs day and night to extract semen, regardless of the victim's physical condition. In general, this type of torture requires various special physical and mental conditionings. In this particular case, however, due to the special circumstances of the victim, it was possible to administer the sentence directly. "You think that extracting energy from bad kids is nonsense, right?" The evil-looking boy gave the questioner a disdainful glance and carried on : "That's a convenient way to summarize the process, but maybe I need to explain how it really works? There are many individuals from different worlds, speaking different languages and with different cultures, who enjoy watching the suffering of these little creatures - the repetition of their orgasmic expressions, the writhing of their naked bodies, their endless pain and pleasure, repeated over and over. I transmit all that in the Void, so that I receive energy and faith in exchange, from every possible word. Doesn't that explication sound more credible than merely 'extracting energy'?" Every part of own body is at the mercy of the tentacles It's as if they can read own mind, and target whichever part feel most sensitive or aroused. The tentacles are unrelenting in the way they will inflict the most intense and unbearable treatment possible. After all, they were not designed to make you feel good... Instead they ignore your plaints as well as your physical condition, as they look for the most brutal and direct way to force you to climax, over and over again. Nothing less, nothing more. "No, help me, someone help... Aah-aaaaaahhhhhh The boy screamed like a dying beast. His body jerked wildly as his orgasm became unbearable. The tentacles then gagged him - but not to stop his cries. As always it was simply to sustain him. No matter how much he prayed, the maddening stimulation of his flesh never stopped. Forced to climax again in the middle of an orgasm... Forced to have a prostate orgasm during ejaculation... The poor boy was experimenting the insufferable exaltation of both a glans orgasm and prostate orgasm at the same time. Every inch of his naked skin was licked and rubbed back and forth by tentacles. Even in sleep, his little penis was still tortured to ejaculate. Did reality turn into a nightmare ? Or was it a nightmare which became reality ? WWhether he was awake or asleep, he could only feel the endless pleasure that innumerable orgasms brought him. The so-called "evil spirit" could not even struggle, since he was confined to a tightly sewn cell, specially made to follow the contours of his trembling body. The orgasmic torture of fainting and awakening was repeated several times a minute. A normal person would have had a nervous breakdown within a dozen minutes. But now even such a reaction was impossible for a spirit like him. This is, according to the complete rumour, the final fate of the evil spirit known as Hanako. The same rumour also states that his resting place is hidden deep, very deep, in the darkness of the ground under the school yard... =============================




啊这就是阿普的结局了吗,被各种机械和触手玩弄了如此之久,最后还是逃脱不了被永久囚禁在地下承受极限快感的命运 这么看起来似乎构造起了卫星的世界观啊,可能以前那些CG和本子里的主角背后都是这个机构在实施处刑也说不定哦。 所以小白也是被他们盯上才会失去“未来”的吗




不要再刪除留言惹QQ 每次看你刪留言就像失去惹一個贊助者一樣傷心(?






This is amazing! But I think it would be better if Hanako could see what is happening outside the cell. Make a small window over the boy's face. Hanako would be desperate because would see the world around him, but people outside could also watch his eternal orgasm and ticklish pain.


Hey... that's really good idea... emmm but I would like to show his all body and let people see how he being torture... I will make this end if I have good imagine...XD


太喜欢这个系列了!请务必多调教花子君 ^_^

