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May have seen earlier that Pixiv posted about their guidelines, but its super vague and its wording suggests these were already* the rules and their new ToS update will further emphasize these rules. I think because Mastercard is up in arms, protecting muh kids in all the right ways as usual.

So the guidelines suggest things like loli, rape, incest are not allowed. So All of my characters are actors, i'm simply the director. So what does this mean? Nothing really, I'm gonna continue to do what I do until I'm told otherwise, but if you're anxious about it, could always save my work or simply switch over to Subscribestar.

I do this because I enjoy making this type of content, so I do NOT plan on ever stopping, no spice no life. For now, I wouldn't stress about these changes until its actually concrete when they change the guidelines.

The Marlene anim is nearly ready to go so I hope you'll enjoy that. (I'm releasing without sound at first because my sound guy will need some time for that. And I'm working on releasing multiple versions, one that I think is cool but haven't revealed yet. Have a great day guys!



Do you have a link to your substar page?


well, that sucks


I believe this is on Visa, not MC. See my post for clarification on why I believe this with a screenshot of Visa ToS https://skared.fanbox.cc/posts/4772636


true, i saw this a little bit ago as well. I guess regardless its still card companies. the overall wording was still odd and seems these have always been the rules yet they were never enforced? Who knows, I'll just wait and see


Hopefully this is nothing other than to combat the influx of real CP and/or AI images that can be perceived as real. But the worrying thing is that Visa's ToS, which seems to be what Pixiv copied word for word in their list of things, specifically targets all CG & 2D content. Though Pixiv didn't write out this same sentence in their announcement, it is worrying that it will be actually implemented in the full release of the new ToS.


yeah its worrying but i'm trying to hold out some hope and wait and see what they say. and i continue to just make what i always make.


No credit card company should be pulling the strings, it should be solely between creator and customer.


Then post your stuff on "All The Fallen" ppl don't subscribe like here, but you can still post your stuff in a welcoming environment.


Its not welcoming, someone already suggested that to me before. All but one of my animations were deleted from the allthefallen booru for being "disgusting realistic cgi".