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Its done! Hope you enjoy, a bit different to my usual smut but it was a ton of fun to make. Not a specific character, like Sadako, just a ghost girl I kind of made up. Again sorry this didn't make it on Halloween itself. There's multiple versions as well, low res VHS style, higher res VHS style and then with no effects. Hope you enjoy! (Warning: kind of large files compared to usual) No effects - https://files.catbox.moe/0s3yru.mp4 https://anonfiles.com/reSfv6S8uc/halloween_2021_full_noeffects_mp4 https://k00.fr/n9vmxw78 ------- Low res VHS - https://files.catbox.moe/i5h7uj.mp4 https://k00.fr/6yx1af49 https://anonfiles.com/f4SbvaS1uf/halloween_2021_full_VHS_lowres_mp4 ------ High res VHS - https://files.catbox.moe/bax5ff.mp4 https://k00.fr/1i4j8b7a https://anonfiles.com/p4Sdv1S9uf/halloween_2021_full_VHS_highres_mp4




Love it awesome work as usual 👌


Will there be audio?


possibly, I have someone that might add sound, depends if he's busy.. So honestly not 100% sure yet.


One of my personal favs from you I must say. Hope it gets some audio at some point. Time will tell :P