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This work has been released to my Pixiv. This was a commission by LackingCPU, who also wrote two two short stories, one for the bloodless, and one for the gore version. You may find the story for the bloodless version here, as well as the creator themselves: https://www.deviantart.com/lackingcpu/art/Thoughtless-Impulses-920328088 The gore version was an afterthought by me, the original commission did not include a gore version, but it was appreciated all the same. The gore story was provided to me specifically, as such it will be written below: "There is little else that Alice loves more than being headless. She’s used a Sonic Knife, a Snapjaw Chest, decapitation collars, computer programs, and countless others to sever her head from herself. So when she saw a shop with a sign telling her that someone would pay her to give her head up, Alice rushed to the counter with reckless excitement. A few words were exchanged between Alice and the clerk. Money exchanged hands. The clerk pulled out a cleaver from under the counter. She grabbed a handful of Alice’s hair with her left hand and slammed the cleaver halfway into Alice’s neck with her right. She gazed at Alice’s face as it rapidly swapped between strained smiles and stunned shock. Blood gurgled in Alice’s throat. The clerk slid the cleaver out, tilted Alice’s head to slightly open the gap wedge of a wound, and slashed through the rest of her neck. The clerk set her purchase on the counter with a wet thud and watched her decapitated seller react. Alice was twitching and shaking as her new reality kicked in. She raised her hands as her vacant stump of a neck jettisoned streams of blood into the air and down her breasts. Her chest jiggled as she bounced from side to side, aimlessly moving a few steps here then a few steps there as her blood pumped freely. Alice turned almost halfway around and walked, wobbling, into the wall that had been behind her. The clerk giggled at her willing victim. Her hand tousled the hair of the head that was merely an object now, a possession. As Alice blindly found her bearings and splattered her blood on the floor and walls, the clerk mockingly waved her goodbye. Alice stumbled and wavered back the way she had come. Specks and blobs of blood shot erratically from her stump. She was truly a headless woman; no head on her neck, no head at home, no head to call her own. She lived close by and managed the short blind walk with only a few stumbles and trips. The spurts of blood tapered off by the time she entered her house. It would be over three hours before the decapitated dame realized her head wasn’t coming back this time. But did this teach Alice she should think her decisions through in the future? Probably not." That's all from me for now. I will have another commission posted soon, so stay tuned!




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