Upcoming work: The Execution of Noel Shirogane (Pixiv Fanbox)
2022-06-20 05:18:59
Hello, Logonis here! Allow me to introduce one of my planned works!
This is a very big set I've been working on. Although, it has been in hiatus for a bit, I must admit. I've been trying to think of what the background should be for quite a while, and I still cannot decide.
The set is based off a particular image of Noel, made by わらびゆうぞう (warabi). The first picture is a recreation of that picture. I also posted a couple of the angles to be shown in the set. There will be six scenes of her hanging, with many variations, including unclothed, futanari, incontinence, and more. I also plan on a few extra scenes featuring Flare, but right now I'm still brainstorming the background. I hope to get back to work on this soon, as all the Noel pictures are already in editing.
Until next time!