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This week I arrive on time to bring you Mondstadt's finest! The unofficial pyro archon (because come on, he's just indispensable) and the slut archon are on menu. I also want to point out that not that many people seem to know what to do with those songs I link every month. If you're in doubt then please check my sticky on my baraag. Ciao! Song of the month | 今月の歌:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR-K2rUP86M&mskl_=TW9vbi1hbmQtU3Rhcmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm1lZGlhZmlyZS5jb20vZmlsZV9wcmVtaXVtLzBzMjRoNXdiY2wwN3Y4Ny8yLVNob3RhR2VtLnppcC9maWxl Funny moniker of the month | 今月の面白いあだ名:Moon-and-Star Totally unrelated link | 全く無関係なリンク:https://masklink.boniatillo.com/



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