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Bouken da, bouken! I return bearing gifts. First of all we got a Bennett. In hindsight I might've made his face a bit too defiant looking in the context of his typical disposition. Oh well... Next, to balance out all the hardcore art I've been making recently I decided to draw this precious boyo with glasses. He's just so innocent and delicate... *pleading eyes emoji* And lastly, because I think I've been in a mood lately to draw everyone's fav booze archon, I bring you line art of another Venti drawing. Thanks for your patience btw! Song of the month | 今月の歌:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MToS__q4ghc&mskl_=cG9vcmxlbm9odHRwczovL3d3dy5tZWRpYWZpcmUuY29tL2ZpbGVfcHJlbWl1bS82eTFyc3Fwa3p2bWptNXUvU2hvdGFFbGl4aXJfU2hvdGFHZW1fU2hvdGFDb2luLnppcC9maWxl Funny creature of the month | 今月の面白い歌詞:poorleno Totally unrelated link | 全く無関係なリンク:https://masklink.boniatillo.com/




Tiny bits are best bits.


Surprise gift Bennett, best Bennett. Change my mind. (You can't.) Art balance is good. You'll eventually burn out doing the same thing over and over again. Venti is a chef kiss. I also have feral orgasms over Aak.