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Happy New Year! How are your resolutions going? Did you solemnly vow to jack off less this year? Well if you did, then remember that I'll be here posting every week, making sure you fail >:3 Song of the month | 今月の歌:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bjg5NXtpnZU&mskl_=cGxhbnRodHRwczovL3d3dy5tZWRpYWZpcmUuY29tL2ZpbGVfcHJlbWl1bS9ib3JqMGhpazI4b2ljZDAvMi1TaG90YUdlbS56aXAvZmlsZQ== Funny organism of the month | 今月の面白い生物:plant Totally unrelated link | 全く無関係なリンク:https://masklink.boniatillo.com/



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