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Woo, it's the spooky month! And to celebrate that here's a boy shooting some of his ectoplasm. And thanks to the other pics this week you can release some too. Dance of the month | 今月の踊り:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmzwhVE5Ly4&mskl_=T09HQUJPT0dBaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVkaWFmaXJlLmNvbS9maWxlX3ByZW1pdW0vYWtkcWxramxpdGd5azZzL1Nob3RhRWxpeGlyX1Nob3RhR2VtX1Nob3RhQ29pbi56aXAvZmlsZQ== Funny shout of the month | 今月の面白い叫び:OOGABOOGA Totally unrelated link | 全く無関係なリンク:https://masklink.boniatillo.com/




Dude! Luna! How...I don't have the words to describe how good these are, for how good *you* are. All I know is that it's worth every penny it takes to support you. Hell, I think you're underpaid, tbh. Especially with how much you do. I was just talking to someone about Natura, more specifically about Yamia. And seeing a new fantasy boy has me craving some more art of that world again. Hope to catch up with some Hikaru or Midoru boys soon! But in the meantime, boys like these can grace my screen any day. So thank you for these awesome works!


Dude, I was just thinking the same things last night before I went to bed. Maybe he's working on the story line for a Natura sequel, or maybe that's it for Natura altogether... I hope not. So many what-ifs in the last 10-20 pages that mid-post nut clarity got my headcanons having post nut clarities.