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Underwear day was this week, so I decided to draw something with the focus on undies. But then I got too interested in what the undies were hiding, so second version had to be included. Enjoy! 今週はパンツの日でしたから、なにかパンツ関係ある絵を描こうとおもいました。だが描き終わったら中身も見えればいいなとおもって結局もう一つのバージョンを作りました。どうぞ! Song of the month | 今月の歌:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18q5wBrMYFg&mskl_=ZnVqaW1paHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVkaWFmaXJlLmNvbS9maWxlX3ByZW1pdW0vdjl2ZHJ1MXpxaHhpMXY1L1Nob3RhRWxpeGlyX1Nob3RhR2VtX1Nob3RhQ29pbi56aXAvZmlsZQ== Funny word of the month | 今月の面白い言葉:fujimi Totally unrelated link | 全く無関係なリンク: https://masklink.boniatillo.com/




omg! The Cyber-surfer boy is freaking adorable!! Aahhh!! All of these pieces are great! i also like seeing whats underneath UwU