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Greetings boys and gals. As you might've noticed the past post are gone (on your end). Fanbox moved almost all my posts to archive and told me to fix it. As usual they didn't say exactly what was wrong, but I feel like it was something about the descriptions. Because of that I will try keeping these texts halal and we'll see how it goes. Anyway... cute boys! こんにちは☆ ご覧の通り前の投稿が消えてしまいました。Fanboxはほとんど全てをアーカイブして「直しなさい」と言いました。相変わらず具体的にどこが悪いかと説明しませんでした。とはいえなんか投稿のテキストがNGと直感しました。だからこれからエッチな表現とか遠慮してみます。まあ、とにかく可愛い男の子をどうぞ!




That's very unfortunate what Fanbox has done. That first picture is such a mood, Luna. 🥰


Damn, Luna! I'm sorry to hear that. Fanbox is really on some other shit lately. I think it might be the descriptions, sure, but I also think it might be the tags. I heard from another artist that it might be related to the sh0t@ tag, and Fanbox cracking down on those, which is an absolute shame, since that's their bread and butter. I don't know if they're cracking down as hard on the loli stuff, but with 98% of your stuff being sh0t@, well...And your descriptions were so exciting and set the tone! What a shame... Anyway, now that that's out of the way, the art. And whew! Such lovely pieces! I love sh0t@s being cute, posing and showing off their goods. I also like two of them getting together to provide mutual pleasure, like our forest dwellers in the first frottage pic. It looks amazing in color! Thanks for all this Luna! And don't let Fanbox get you down!


Oh no! im sorry to hear about the archive!! I prey that everything can be fixxd up soon!! but until then, i will be there, right by your side!~ I loved reading all your descriptions, they were so much fun heheh Oh daymn there are so many sexy boyos!! <3 Each and every pp I see is in need of succksss and i hope that I can provide that heheehe :3 They are all so amazing, and im so proud to be able to see them!~