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Wow, Luna! This was definitely worth the wait for sure. As I said on Baraag, I was looking forward to seeing the shota in the car in full, and hot damn! It's even better than I imagined, and the second, messy one, is *so* yummy! The streaming boys are really fun. They know how to appeal to the camera. I'm just happy we get to witness the production, hehe. And this last line art, whoa! I don't know what that contraption is, but I think every shota needs to have one. I'd love one day to see it in action to learn how it works, hehe. Anyway, thanks a million, Luna! Always got your back. Much love!


Hot damn!!! So many amazing pieces! The shota in a care is so freaking adorable!! I love how he cuddles his bear, seriously cute, but its those eyes!! His eyes are so cute!!! (Also his pp, cause will never say no to seeing an amazing pp of yours!) These lewd boys look like they are on a picnic filming their lewd exploits, and im 1000% on board! Hopefully I can be the one holding the camera :3 The next line art looks interesting! Excited to see where this one goes... Hope you had an amazing trip while you were away!!! Great times!


I really love the first picture


Luna legit has no idea how much of a personal itch they scratched with the detail of the shota in the car hugging that bear, oh my GOD 🥵 lol


Of course! You put forth so much time and effort to get us weekly releases of top quality art. The least we could do is tell you how much we appreciate that. And how horny it makes us, but you already know that. You draw it, you're in the same boat as us, lol.