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If you happen to live in the land where waffles can get paired with fried chicken and Touya and Yukito having a crush for each other got censored, then I hope you had a great turkey day yesterday! Today we got a shota pharaoh as well as a gape champ in training. Also as usual there's lineart of the new drawing. Enjoy! 昨日アメリカは感謝祭をお祝いしましたが、今日私たちはかわいい男の子をお祝いしようぜ!今日のメインキャストはファラオと調教を受けている猫少年です。もちろん来週の絵の予告線画もあります。エンジョイ! Song of the week|今月の歌: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puRadJ96r_A&mskl_=Z29mZXRjaG15ZmVhdGhlcnMhaHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9SOXBnUVpyQSNVaEREY0J0WmMwd2w0aEs5Yzk1c1F3 Totally unrelated link|全く無関係のリンク: https://masklink.boniatillo.com/ Funny order of the week|今週の面白い命令: gofetchmyfeathers!




Sexy boys as usual luna! I gotta ask what we doing regarding the change of rules regarding pixiv next month?


eeeeeee so cute. Happy Turkey day to u too Luna-kun


I say we wait and see. Perhaps they won't enforce it too harshly. If they do then well, maybe Fantia?