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Here's a jurassic boy for you all. Quite anachronistic, I know, but for the sake of our personal arousal I say let's suspend our disbelief for a moment. As an extra I present to you a rather obscure character from an awesome show called Michiko & Hatchin. While there's not much shota action going on there, it's still a fantastic show. ジュラ紀の子をどうぞ!結構時代錯誤的なシチュエーションだけど不信の一時的停止してくれww 今週のボーナスとしてなかなか知られていないアニメキャラを紹介しようと思いました。ミチコとハッチンって可愛いショタが少ないけどやっぱり素敵なアニメだと思います。機会あれば是非見てください! Song of the week|今月の歌: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjE9tvPTd0s&mskl_=VXBsb2FkaW5nQ3liZXJNb2R1bGVzaHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9OMWhVM2JDUSNSTTZFN0ppZ3VVRXlIVXNLZUpxVndB Totally unrelated link|全く無関係のリンク: https://masklink.boniatillo.com/ Funny reward of the week|今週の面白い褒美: UploadingCyberModules




Nice!!! I always wanted to see that moment when that kiddo pulls his dress up to see his naughty bits. Michiko x Hatchin is such a good show too. Noice work Luna-san