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We haven't had raw fucking in a while, have we? Time to rectify that. And after the buttsecks main course please enjoy the cute Gohan dessert. There's also some other preview goodies, so please look forward to the full color releases. 久しぶりにショタセックスの絵を見ましたね。じゃ、これをどうぞ!あとは悟飯きゅんと新しい絵のプリビューを楽しんでください Song of the week|今月の歌: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0HbGmMjKFM&mskl_=c291cmNlcnlodHRwczovL21lZ2EubnovZm9sZGVyL1I5cGdRWnJBI1VoRERjQnRaYzB3bDRoSzljOTVzUXc= Totally unrelated link|全く無関係のリンク: https://masklink.boniatillo.com/ Funny word of the week|今週の面白い言葉: sourcery




Ooooh, I love Divinity! What a good song! I wish I could focus and play it to completion q_q Butt Seggs!! He looks quite pleasurable! hehehe Ahhh!!! Beautiful Gohan!! :3 He is just so snuggable!!! I want to lay in the grass with him... but that would be hard to do without imagining lewding him UwU Both these preview boys look really good!! Cant wait to see more of them! UwU Hope you have had a fantastic week, and I hope you have another fantastic week to come! <3


praise the adorable peach