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There we go! A pair of properly sweaty shorts snuggly fitting and complementing this shota booty. Do you think he's aware that moisture makes the white semi-transparent? For those who don't know who the second boy is - please check out Michiko & Hatchin! It's a really good show. よし、できあがった!ちゃんと汗たっぷりでぴったりフィットのショーツです!よく似合ってますよね?彼は汗をかくとショーツが半透明になるって知っているかな~  次の男の子がご存じですか?知らないなら必ずミチコとハッチンというアニメを見てください。超面白いぜ! Song of the week|今週の歌: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0dxByaPWhM&mskl_=YmlnYmVhdGh0dHBzOi8vbWVnYS5uei9mb2xkZXIvQnhnVmdaeWIjbU9WRFpEZER0alRvY0JGdXpEOEsyQQ== Song of the month (expires on Sep 7th) | 今月の歌 (締切は9月7月): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub747pprmJ8&mskl_=YmlnYmVhdGh0dHBzOi8vbWVnYS5uei9mb2xkZXIvUjl4QkJRYkkjNHJJMTk1Y1NGSG5qOTNpdVAtaE8wZw== Totally unrelated link|全く無関係のリンク: https://masklink.boniatillo.com/ Funny words of the week|今週の面白いジャンル: bigbeat




I hope he doesnt realize, or if he does, then hopefully he wont mind! We get a good shota show :3 I cant wait to see more from these last to pics! They looking mighty sexxyyy :3 Some interesting songs for this week, and for the month, hehehe :3 Thank you as always!! <3


Michiko & Hatchin That’s a good show I completely forgot about Bebel. Nice job as always! I’m watching overlord and was thinking that Mare needs a better outfit, can you think of any?