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G'day! Remember the bunny suit boy lineart? This is him now. Feeling old yet? Jokes aside, it seems he got caught dressing and some helpful soul reminded him that he's still missing his tail. Thank god for good people... Besides the lineart for a new piece we also have a very cute interpretation of Yamia by the talented Xienoan. In case you haven't heard, Xie has been caught in the middle of the conflict in Ukraine. Despite his escape to relative safety he might still need the support. Head to https://baraag.net/@Xienoan and follow him. Also if he has free slots then perhaps you can commission him too. よー! 最近投稿したウサギスーツのショタ線画を覚えていますか?もう完成しました!彼は尻尾プラグを忘れたそうだけど、親切な誰かさんに思い出させられました。いい人が存在しているって良かったですねwww 今週も新しい絵の線画とXienoanさんが描いてくれたヤミア君の絵もあります。もし聞いたことがないならXienoanさんはウクライナから避難しました。無事で親戚の所にたどり着いたけど応援とかコミッション(もし時間がある)を受けることにきっと喜ぶと思います。下記のリンクを是非チェックしてください: https://baraag.net/@Xienoan Song of the week|今週の歌: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4jtIDaeaWI&mskl_=U2VpbmZlbGRodHRwczovL21lZ2EubnovZm9sZGVyL045eFhHRHFEI2lVaGotaWs4MEpHV2ltMGh0QWY5N1E= Song of the month | 今月の歌: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3ZWSQgnh_M&mskl_=U2VpbmZlbGRodHRwczovL21lZ2EubnovZm9sZGVyL1I5eEJCUWJJIzRySTE5NWNTRkhuajkzaXVQLWhPMGc= (June 16 deadline | 6月16日が締め切り) Totally unrelated link|全く無関係のリンク: https://masklink.boniatillo.com/ Funny series of the week|今週の面白いドラマ: Seinfeld




Damn, Luna! These are great Firstly, bunny boys? Top tier. Not much better in the realm of animal based shotas, either as kemoshotas or shotas dressed in animal-based clothes like this bunny boy. And he can't be without his cotton tail. Such a good Samaritan to remind him and give it to him, hehe. That line art? Looks great! A little fighter, eh? Scrappy young lad. Love that! And Yamia, boy oh boy, what a great boy! Xie's interpretation of fem Yamia is absolutely beautiful. He's the reason I love cat boys so much. I used to really only be a fan of bunny boys and puppy boys. Not that I didn't like cat boys, but Yamia, Chobo and the other boys and girls from Natura really raised their value of them for me. It's tough to hear that Xie is caught up in all the nonsense, but glad to hear that he's safe and ok and still drawing. So thank you for the information and for supporting your friend. And also, Xie can't draw Yamia if you never created him in the first place, so thanks for that.


Oh, just a note, Luna, today's drawings aren't in the folder.


What an amazing Ruler sound! I always did this when I was in school, got in trouble many times... Glad I can now read Season 1, which means I can catch up before you start posting season 3 <3 Sorry to hear about Xie, I have followed, his boys are cute <3 Thank you for the continued amazing artwork!!!


The pictures seem to be missing today. :(


I'm glad Xie is doing okay. I would be sad if I lost one of my favorite artists. (You are one as well Luna =3 )


Just a question last month after a few days the link didn't work and I know that it only last a few days but should I download the zip file so I have access to it after the few days, don't know how this works


Well it really depends. If you want only specific stuff, then just download individual files. Otherwise ig you could zip everything or wait for the next month folder.


You're forgiven, Luna. Just making sure we got your back. With so many things you're involved in, somethings are bound to slip through the cracks every so often. But we got you.