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Yamia looks so majestic in this page. Like a little savior. This week we also have a rather cheeky looking tribal boy. Do you think he's smirking because he knows how irresistible he is? ヤミアはとても堂々に見えますよね。 まるで小さな救世主です。 今週もかなり生意気なトライバル の男の子の登場です。一体なぜそんなにニヤニヤしているかな。もしかして彼はどれぐらい魅力的かよく分かってるからかもしれません。 Song of the week|今週の歌: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv6tuzHUuuk&mskl_=d2F5b2hodHRwczovL21lZ2EubnovZm9sZGVyL2Q5d0JWUWJSI1BiQzFfb2dVZWZ0cEJpU1N3cWR1Wnc= Totally unrelated link|全く無関係のリンク: https://masklink.boniatillo.com/ Funny word of the week|今週の面白い言葉: wayoh




Is there a way I could catch up on natura? I'm about a year or so behind I think.


Yup! Elixir tier gets a link once a month that has all the pics ever posted, including Natura