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I apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.

All posts will be set to "Private" on July 13th at 0:00 (GMT+9) for "Censored" editing.

Editing will give preference to the latest 3 months data, while previous data belonging to SEED CARD and ANGEL CARD access will require a little more time to fully edit.

Choi's illustrations (Pickup Girls) will be updated normally if no other problems arise.

In addition, I also have a small survey to clarify, which is about CLIP/PSD data. Since the amount of data is quite large to store, I would prefer to provide only CLIP data. Is this okay?


すべての投稿は、「検閲済み」編集のために7月13日の0:00(GMT + 9)に「民間」に設定されます。


チョイのイラスト(Pickup Girls)は、他に問題がなければ通常通り更新されます。

さらに、CLIP / PSDデータに関する簡単な調査もあります。 保存するデータの量が非常に多いため、CLIPデータのみを提供することをお勧めします。 これは大丈夫ですか?




For the record, you don't have to touch/alter psd files (if you plan to). I don't think I have ever seen any artist doing this.


I use PaintTool SAI to view PSD files and I find it a lot better and faster at editing / viewing layers than Clip Studio so my preference is PSD; but You're the artist and I'm here to support you, so do what you prefer


I'm pretty sure the actual "rules" state no uncensored works including difference in layers; however the reason people get away with not altering PSD files because pixiv rarely checks files unless they get a complaint. Makes me wonder who reported blvefo9 to begin with or maybe just using "uncensored" on the card tier triggered an investigation. There's tons of artists out there still posting uncensored works, so I don't think it's fair to tell someone they have to fix years of data like this or be kicked off.


Well, from other services I just wish more people gave a shot for subscribestar.adult . /So far/ I think they haven't censored anyone or any grounds (contrary to patreon and their orwellian attempts to screen works outside patreon). Other pipe dream of mine is to see artists start pushing hard against this censorship nonsense based on a two-liner from 1907 (and violating Japan's own consitutions (article 21)).