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With that, part 2 of this comic has come to an end! Thank you all very much for your support so far. I'm going to continue with the False Hydra comic now, so we should have new pages this week. I'm also considering making a proper cover illustration for this Jirou and Momo Story, but still not sure if I should. I'm gonna experiment with some ideas a bit more today and decide if I'm going to do it. My biggest problem is the title card, which is something I have little experience doing, but im gonna try my hand on it anyway.




Wow this was so good! Cat Momo is such a sexy idea too. Would love to see more of her sometime soon!


I'm glad you liked it! It's not that common for people to comment on my fanbox posts so I really appreciate it. The next boku no hero comic will be with Uraraka and a few other heroines, but maybe I'll return to Momo and Jirou at some point over time.


i have a feeling Jiro didn't actually die


Will there be any plans on implementing the concept of false personalities considering Jirou’s essence is gone or she would be a mindless empty headed doll instead from now on?


I plan on doing something similar in the next boku no hero comic, but it won't be with Jirou and Momo. The concept would be for Mirko to play the role of a kind of sleeper agent and take a team and heroines (sent to rescue her) to their doom. I don't know if that's exactly what you were referring to tho.


Close but not quite considering Mirko case that she got her mind wipe/fried via technology rather than having her personality be excreted so her self/mind is still intact (just modified)


Would Mirko simulate a false personality during her role as a sleeper agent?


yes, since mirko the heroine is dead, them the lobotomized shell of the bunny, by command of its owners, would simulate a backup version of her old personality for a short time when she gets found by the other heroes.


Is it something like from Kangoku Senkan where a chip implant is the one going to have her simulate the old personality or it is all just verbal commands?


Hmm I don't know how this plays out in Kangoku Senkan so its hard to say for sure, but Mirko even tho didn't have her personality turned into jelly and ejected up her ass, she's not in a state where she can go back to being what she was. So yeah her personality would be simulated through a chip or something similar, but I haven't stopped to plan the details yet, since I still need to finish the False Hydra comic I'm doing at the moment before focusing on this one.